/ / Recreation - these are activities aimed at restoring

Recreation - these are activities aimed at restoring

Recreation is a specific action of a personaimed at restoring and strengthening his physical and spiritual forces in his spare time from work or study activities. In addition, these activities contribute to the overall development of the individual and are carried out with the help of natural factors in specially designated places located outside the permanent place of residence.

Recreation is
В принципе, рекреация - это обобщённое понятие, в which includes a variety of recreation, excursions and disease prevention. Therefore, in a sense, it has several meanings. So, this term can also mean a place for recreation, holidays, holiday.

Recreational resources include:climate, above ground and underground waters, landscape, vegetation and many other environmental components that are used for therapeutic, recreational, socio-cultural and other recreational needs. For a short and relaxing holiday, recreation is a park, museums, fishing, motels, boarding houses, etc. For outdoor activities - it is a national reserve, historical, architectural and other attractions. The improving territories of the CIS include: Crimea, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, certain regions of Central Asia, the Urals and some other places.
physical recreation
Recreational activities include:traveling, sports, amateur art, collecting, technical creativity and other activities involving physical, emotional and intellectual loads. It is worth noting that this includes a separate type of physical culture - physical recreation, which is quite multifaceted. She uses sports exercises and games for outdoor activities, entertainment, satisfaction from physical activities and distraction from activities that cause all sorts of fatigue.

Physical recreation is a solution.educational objectives, the formation of morality and the prevention of crime among young people. This approach to a healthy lifestyle is a positive motivation for the development of positive aesthetic and moral qualities. All modern problems associated with alcoholism, drug addiction and mental retardation are the result of a lack of attention to sports and entertainment programs for children and adolescents, the lack of public facilities and complexes near their place of residence. And, as you know, asocial behavior is associated with the inability to organize your leisure. Therefore, the main goal of this health program is to meet the needs and interests of young people, their motivation to active rest and proper use of their free time.
Types of recreation
Types of recreation (recreation) are very diverse, andtheir functions, they are divided into: cognitive, therapeutic, wellness, sports and tourism. Each of them is divided according to seasonal signs (winter holidays, summer holidays), by age category (children's games, treatment for pensioners), etc.

In general, recreation is a variety of activities for recreation and replenishment.

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