At present, the breeding of chickens is notonly rural residents, but also urban - in the country. Many people wishing to do business like this raise the question of how to properly care for these birds. The main factors that should be paid attention are feeding, lighting, humidity and air temperature.
Laying hens, care of which consists beforeall in the right feeding, also very poorly tolerate high humidity. It should be ensured that this indicator does not exceed 45% in the shed. As for feeding, it should be at least abundant. This directly affects the egg-laying of hens. They need to be fed at least twice a day.
Laying hens, care for which is differentsome nuances, in the event that the room will be maintained a certain temperature, with less food consumption will be carried with the same performance. Best if the air in the shed is warmed to 21about Celsius.The diet of young and adult layers is somewhat different. The latter need to include as much protein as possible in the mushrooms. Replacement of the diet should be done in advance - no later than 19 weeks of age.
Presence in the diet of sufficient quantityMineral substances are also a very important condition. Therefore, laying hens, whose care can be called correct only if all conditions are met, together with the main food, must necessarily receive chalk, limestone and salt in sufficient quantities. As for the latter, its daily rate should not be more than 0.5 g per chicken, or the birds will feel thirsty. When the dose is too large, the hen can even be poisoned.
Some summer residents instead of chalk and limestoneinclude in the diet eggshell. It is also very useful for such fastidious feeding of livestock, as laying hens. Care for them, as you can see, is quite complex. However, their breeding in the household, including at the dacha, is considered economically justified. Pay off a similar business can already a year and a half after the start. Of course, this is subject to compliance with all technology and content rules.