/ / When midges disappear - a matter of concern to many

When midges disappear - a matter of concern to many

Spring comes and people wake up togetherwith nature. Smiles, good mood, waiting for a summer holiday appear ... In late May, we are pleased with the blossoming trees, early flowers. It's a shame that our mood changes when in the late spring or early summer the midge, the annoying bloodsuckers, appears. Everyone is waiting for the time when the midges disappear.

Most of them are in Astrakhan and Siberia. People in the period of the appearance of these bloodsuckers go in special masks,

when midges disappear
try to cover the body with clothes.

Мошка – насекомое, развивающееся в текучих водах:fast rivers serve as a site for the development of its larvae. It differs from mosquitoes by its less long strong legs and short proboscis. The midge has short antennae and wings. The length of her body is no more than 6 millimeters. Together with mosquitoes and biting midges, midges form hordes of midges that attack animals and humans.

small midges

Adults feed only in sunny hotdays Cloudy weather and night twilight is the time when the midges disappear. Only females are bloodsuckers, males collect food on flowers. I wonder if there always existed a midge biting people and animals? It turns out that scientists proved that its activity depends on how their larvae developed: if they were formed in adverse conditions, they did not accumulate a supply of nutrients.

Astrakhan midges such substances replenishesthe blood of living beings. Therefore, different years differ in the activity of the midges. But among them there are species for which sucking is a necessary stage. It is not by chance that one should carefully meet these “guests”, because they can be carriers of various diseases, and their bites cause an allergic reaction in many people. The saliva of midges is poisonous. Sometimes external or internal edema appears on the site of the bite, signs of poisoning, fever, hemorrhage occurs, which can lead to death. If small midges bite, then in this place the body burns and itches.

Astrakhan midge
In Russia, such bloodsuckers are common in the taigazone. As soon as they do not call the midge! “Horror, flying on the wings”, “bloodsucker”, “killer”. Pharmacies offer many tools that promise to alleviate the suffering of people. In the fight against the midges used folk remedies, such as vanilla, cologne, chemical - spray, gels, aerosols and lotions. Know - when the midges disappear, dragonflies appear! After all, they feed on these harmful insects.

It should be remembered that most often suffer from midgeschildren and allergies. We must try to reduce the number of walks during their greatest concentrations. When midges disappear, danger and discomfort seem to leave the city, the streets are filled with people and pets again.

It is good that this period passes quitefast. In the 80s, the midge was not so active. Due to incorrect work on the rivers (construction of canals, dams, etc.), its livelihoods have changed. Currently, there is a treatment of areas where the midges are especially abundant, but chemistry not only kills the midges, it damages the flora and fauna.

When the midges disappear, only mosquitoes and ticks keep us company until the frost. Stock up on appropriate means, strengthen the protection and do not let any little thing ruin your summer!

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