What is missing from our amazing andunique planet! Sometimes you wonder when you meet unusual animals, inhabitants of the deep sea or plants. They, like people, are trying to adapt to life on earth, evolving over the years and acquiring forms and abilities that allow them to survive. There are many interesting plants on the planet, but I would like to highlight among them and consider in greater detail the largest flowers in the world. The title of the largest and widest representative of the flora deserved Rafflesia Arnoldi.
Самые большие цветы в мире в диаметре достигают one meter and weigh about 10 kg. This plant is a parasite, because it is not able to independently synthesize the necessary mineral and organic substances. Seeds that germinate and parasitize there, penetrating the tissues, get into the damaged areas of the vines. Arnoldi's rafflesia is also called the "carcass flower" or the "carcass lily", and all because of its disgusting smell. The brick-red color and the stench of decaying meat attract flies that pollinate the plant.
The title “The Biggest Flowers in the World” does not carryonly Rafflesia Arnoldi, but also the tallest plant - Amorphophallus Titanium, also called "snake palm", "corpse flower", "Voodoo lily". Its inflorescence reaches 3 meters in height. This structure is made up of a huge number of small female and male flowers. Most of the time the plant is sleeping in the form of a large tuber weighing 50 kg and measuring up to 50 cm in diameter. In the spring, a stalk appears, on which a complicated dissected leaf develops.