/ / The Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan is working successfully

The Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan is working successfully

In 2017, the Russian-Uzbek relationsturns 25 years old. Such a long period is due to the fact that the long-standing friendship between the two peoples has always been backed by mutual assistance. For a quarter of a century, agreements were reached in many areas: trade and economic, political, scientific, technical and cultural. The fact that during this period many agreements on allied relations and strategic partnership were signed, speaks of the huge contribution of the first President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov.

Russian embassy in Uzbekistan

It was during his reign that the state laid a solid foundation for bilateral relations and defined the main directions for the development of these relations.

Russian-Uzbek relations

Summing up the results of the last year, we can state that Russia was and remains the main trade partner of Uzbekistan: 20% of the total foreign trade turnover of the country falls on the Russian Federation.

Today Russian-Uzbek relations continueto develop and are at a good level: this concerns not only regional issues, but also international ones. Both countries successfully cooperate in the international arena (in the UN, the SCO and the CIS), since the positions of Russia and Uzbekistan very often coincide or are quite close.

Countries on a regular basis hold meetings at the highest level: by the way, the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan is preparing for them by the Russian Federation.

Embassy of the Russian Federation in Uzbekistan

Cultural-Spiritual and Humanitarian Cooperation

Do not underestimate the role of cultural, spiritual andhumanitarian cooperation in relations between countries. The Republic of Uzbekistan and Russia have a good potential for carrying out joint activities in this area.

For example, with the support of the Russian CenterScience and Culture of Uzbekistan, as well as the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan, many projects were implemented. A concert was held with great success in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Anna Herman and the performance of the Russian folk ensemble "Russia". Numerous creative teams from the Republic of Uzbekistan constantly participated in different festivals on the territory of Russia.

Russian Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan and in Tashkent, in particular,there are many Orthodox shrines that are revered not only by Russians, but also by Uzbeks. Constantly work is under way to reconstruct Orthodox churches built in the pre-revolutionary period.

Who is the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Uzbekistan

The role of the ambassador in any country is extremely important, sohow he represents the interests of the leadership of his country. From 2009 to the present, the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan is successfully headed by VL Tyurdenev, who graduates not only from MGIMO but also from the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Vladimir Lvovich speaks three languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. Since 1971, he worked in the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and its foreign institutions; was the ambassador to Argentina and Brazil. In 2014 VL Tyurdenev was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Being in Uzbekistan for several years on duty, Vladimir Lvovich believes that the main wealth of this country are people who are sincerely warm and cordial.

what is asked in the Russian embassy in Uzbekistan

What is included in the functions of foreign diplomatic institutions in Russia

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Uzbekistan, as well as any foreign diplomatic representation of the Russian Federation, should:

  • to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the state itself - the Russian Federation, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with international norms and laws of the host country;
  • to consider questions of citizenship;
  • engage in registration and issuance of Russian passports;
  • to carry out a legal representation of foreign official documents on the territory of Russia;
  • execute judicial instructions;
  • Representation in judicial bodies (on behalf of citizens and organizations of the Russian Federation) in the event that they themselves (physically) can not do this.

Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan Consular Section

How does the embassy differ from the consulate?Everything is very simple: the location of the embassy is always the capital of the state, and the consulates can be located in several of the largest cities of the country. Tourists from Russia (in any difficult situation) can apply to the embassy, ​​as well as to any nearest consular department.

What questions are addressed to the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy

Issues within the competence of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan:

  • issuance of foreign passports;
  • consideration of cases on granting Russian citizenship;
  • issuance of visas;
  • registration of acts of civil status;
  • notarial and legal support of citizens.

Russian embassy in Uzbekistan

That is, the consular department, as a rule,works with the public. The embassy itself performs functions of a more ambitious nature: it deals with political issues, holding diplomatic negotiations and developing cooperation between states.

Also to the list of what is asked in the RussianEmbassy in Uzbekistan, you can also include questions about the program that the state is implementing in relation to compatriots living for a long time abroad. The program is aimed at those people who voluntarily want to move.

On a note! To make an appointment, as well as receive a qualified consultation, you need to contact the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Uzbekistan.

How to enter and leave the Republic of Uzbekistan

Under the current agreement, a Russian citizen canenter the Republic of Uzbekistan and leave it exclusively on a foreign passport, the validity of which has not expired. Remember: the end date is included in the validity period of the document. A visa is not required.

Important! Once in an extreme situation, Russian citizens can apply for help to the consular section of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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