Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich - publican activist, professor, head of the Union for the struggle for folk sobriety, a supporter of the Shichko method. Specialist in getting people out of bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs). The author and initiator of the all-Russian sobering-up project called "The Common Affair". This article will present Zhdanov's short biography and outline his key ideas. So, let's get started.
He is married. The professor has two daughters and two granddaughters.
Vladimir Zhdanov is an advocate of the ideasobriety. In his lectures he relies on the theories developed by Shichko, Uglov, Basharin and other devotees of life without alcohol. Subsequently, Vladimir Georgievich began to use only the scientific developments of the psychophysiologist Shichko.
Key topics of Zhdanov's speeches and lectures:"On curative starvation", "On the benefits of honey", "On hardening with cold water", "On the shadow government", "On the harm of yeast bread", "On psychics". Also, the hero of this article conducts courses on restoring vision and getting rid of bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol).
As the central idea of its activitiesProfessor Zhdanov Vladimir singles out sobriety. And this concept is interpreted by him from the point of view of Shichko, i.e., as freedom from drugs, tobacco, alcohol and other addictions at a subconscious level. The ideas promoted by the hero of this article are consistent with a number of major foreign studies.
Vladimir Zhdanov, which is highlyambiguous, regularly criticized by scientists. Alexei Nadezhdin (head of the children's department at the Center for Addiction) praised the professor's lectures, but made a very significant amendment. According to Zhdanov, the primary factor that negatively affects the brain when drinking alcohol is the adhesion of red blood cells. Nadezhdin said that this is only one of the reasons. The key factor, according to the narcologist, is the direct action of ethanol on the membranes of nerve cells.
Deputy Director of the Moscow Narcology Center OlegBuzik, who holds a Ph.D., also shared with the correspondent of the publication "Neskuchny Sad" with his ideas about Zhdanov's teachings. Vladimir Georgievich's arguments he called "horror stories based on the substitution of concepts." In addition, Buzik was critical of Zhudanov's disrespectful statements about drug addicts.
Associate professor and practicing psychologist Denis Novikovappreciated the techniques that Vladimir Georgievich uses in his speeches, calling them "elementary coding" and mental manipulation. Novikov believes that the professor's lectures are designed not so much for patients with alcoholism, but for their relatives. Close patients find in his speeches an outlet to their own feelings and aggression, accumulated during a life with a drunkard.