/ / Bird oatmeal resez: photo, description, content in captivity

Oatmeal Remez bird: photo, description, content in captivity

There are wonderful birds from the order of passerines.They have spread worldwide. Most often they can be found in Asia, Africa and, of course, in Europe. The territory of Russia and the former Soviet republics can boast of this bird in particular. She pleases the ear and lives both in the mountains and on the plains. And they can perfectly live in captivity. What is this bird? You can learn about this by reading the article.

Male description

Внешне птица похожа на воробья, поэтому она и related to passer-shaped. Photos of buntings show good similarities. At the same time, it is easy to distinguish, since it favorably differs in plumage and tail. In total, the bird has up to 197 species. In the open spaces of Russia, the most common species is common oatmeal. It can also be found in the expanses of Scandinavia and Spain. Even in Russia live baby, garden, prosyanka, white hat and others.

oatmeal remez

In the article we will focus on the bird, with the nameoatmeal Remez, which is slightly less ordinary. The male has a black and white pattern on the head, neck and back. Color characteristic: rusty-brown with dark colors (mottled). He has a chestnut necklace on his chest and spots on the sides. The belly of the male is white.

Female description

Самка вида овсянка ремез, окрашена по типу самца, but with less contrast. The head instead of black is colored brown. Autumn feather coloring is very similar: ocher. A noticeable difference between the female and the male is the absence of a white spot on the back of the head. If it is found in females, it is very small, barely noticeable. The female also has an ocher coloring of the feather completely, except for the base. In males, it is only at the edges of feathers.

Differences between young and mature males

Молодые самцы вида овсянка ремез, имея гнездовой outfit, very similar to females. They are more dull and with a large ocher coating. On the chest there are dark brown mottled, and on the sides brown with dark brown strokes on the trunks. Steering them pointed.

In a year males differ from mature ones by dull anda narrow strip on the chest, which has a chestnut color. On the mask they often have brown feathers (especially on the ear). Since young males do not differ much from females, they can be confused with reed-type oatmeal. To avoid this, you need to carefully look at the signs. They should be distinguished by a bright spot above the ear. To all, as a rule, the feathers of the resemes on the crown of the head are bristling, resembling a tuft, and the lateral markings are brown. Bird of oatmeal Remez has a similar appearance in the east of the region: yellow-browed oatmeal.


Most of all, she, flying, lives in the southernforest-steppe. The first arrival occurs in the spring. Arrival time is not always the same. This takes place from 1st to 3rd decade of April. In the fall, they fly for the last time from late September to mid-October. In the suburbs from the end of March to the beginning of April the oatmeal Remez settles. The bird is paired and prefers to settle on the forest edge, large-sized glades, meadows with overgrown shrubs and clearings.

Bunting Remez photo

A lot of birds nest directlyon the ground and less in shrubs at a height of one and a half meters. They build nests from stalks of grass and cereal panicle, with roots and hairs, birds gently line the tray. In the southern taiga, the bird is observed during nesting time on the right bank of the Irtysh River. Coniferous forests are inhabited in floodplain habitats and sphagnum swamps covered with low-growing pine. The second half of the summer, the porridge Remez, the photo of which is placed in the article, lives in the zone of mixed forests. Most of all it is pine ryama.

Bunting Remes bird

Пролетают птицы и в Омске.In the 19th century, ordinary porridge was deliberately brought to New Zealand (on its islands) from its natural habitat - Great Britain. If we consider the territory of the former Soviet Union, the breeding of buntings is observed in the south of Moldova and Ukraine. Separate areas are mountainous plains of Elbrus. All kinds of buntings are in the same squad. However, each bird has its own individuality, its own subtleties of color, its own singing melody and a different way of life.

The structure, size and features of buntings

Bird oatmeal has a poorly developed palatine tubercle.The first wing wing is rudimentary. The outer wing from 3 to 6 primary wing wings has clippings. The body of the male has a length of 127 to 160 millimeters, an average of 241 millimeters. The length of the females in the body is from 130 to 155 millimeters, the average is 230 millimeters.

Wings have length:

  • males from 71.5 to 81.5 millimeters, average - 76.9 mm;
  • females from 65 to 79.5 millimeters, average 73.2 mm.

The bill has a length of 11 to 12 millimeters, the bobbin isfrom 18 to 19 millimeters, tail - from 55 to 65 millimeters. Males weigh from 19 to 22.3 grams (an average of 19.87), females weigh from 17 to 20.8 grams (an average of 17.98 grams).

Oatmeal does not avoid people.She often settles near the person and even in the city. Most of all they like to nest close to farms. This is understandable, because here it is easy to get food: grain seeds. Of course, it is not difficult to guess that the most favorite delicacy for the bird of this species is oats. Apparently the name oatmeal is not chosen by chance. A bright bird can spend the winter next to a stable, again because of oats, which are plenty enough. The whole population can thus feed and survive the winter. When the snow melts and the nights are still frosty, the males begin to return from wintering. Then people rejoice, hearing the first trills of birds, among them the singing of buntings.

Bunting Remez bird photo

Egg laying

Waiting for females, males generally spend time inlooking for food. Between this vital activity, they sing, praising the mysteries of the awakening of nature, its beauty and generosity. When the snow leaves, last year’s seeds can be found on the surface, and the first insects appear from under the ground. In the future, they will make up a large part of the oatmeal diet. It is very important that the insects will be abundant, because the future offspring need to feed. It is they who will serve the newly minted parents to feed the chicks. In the early days, the chicks are fed with ground invertebrate feed from the parent's goiter (male or female).

When chicks are capable of receiving whole insects,parents carry grasshoppers, woodlice, spiders and insects of other species. Sweet-headed buntings marry after the second half of April. Already at the end of May they acquire offspring. The males, endowed with bright colors, are nursed in front of the females, flirting with them in every possible way, flaunting and bursting with a trill with modulations. Having chosen a pair, the female searches for a place for a nest. The construction of the future family house begins, where you can raise your offspring. In May, porridge Remez starts to lay eggs in large quantities. The bird's nest has a clutch of 4 to 6 eggs. They are white in color with a pink and purple shade. The eggs are speckled and thin lines. The incubation period lasts from 12 to 14 days. Juveniles leave the nest when they are about 14 days old. Chicks are fed up to a greater extent by insects and sometimes half-ripened grass seed and green shoots.

Life in captivity

The bird is widespread, but in captivitylives wrong and often. She has a mistrustful and fearful nature. Most of all, it is preferred to start canomans. For them, oatmeal resez - a bird (photo is in the article) needed for learning oatmeal chant. For training take young males. Cage for buntings need to take a spacious up to 70 centimeters long. If there are other birds in the cage, then the males may show themselves aggressively. If such a case takes place - the male is rejected. In the cells they contain both Remez and ordinary oatmeal. You can also meet in captivity garden, bile, baby, gray-headed and some other species.

Bird Bunting Remez photo and description


Семена канареечника, проса, рапса, овсянки, Chumizas with a small amount of hemp, mogara, flax, sunflower, crushed - everything that feeds on oatmeal Remez. The content in captivity imposes its own characteristics on the nutrition of the bird, since it cannot get food for itself. A good supplement is screening (weed seeds). Be sure to give a soft food, which added daphnia or gammarus. For periods, the bird is fed with flour worms, various insects, especially during shedding and breeding. It is important that the bird oatmeal resez (photo and description of which is above) ate vegetables and greens. The cage should be equipped with clean river sand, chalk, crushed shells and eggshell.


This is a rare case when poultry breedersbunting But if it is of interest to someone, then for such purposes it is necessary to use open-air cages or large cages. In aviaries it is necessary (at least desirable) to have a dirt floor and a bush. Then the oatmeal Remez, the singing of which may please the ear of the owner, may winter and not be afraid of frost. Already in captivity hybrids were bred. They are derived from common oatmeal and canary. In nature, such oatmeal is crossed with white-capped, if the contact has in the zone of their contact.

porridge remes content in captivity


The oatmeal song rings silver and consists ofrepeated zit-zit-zit rapid sounds and ends with a lingering “chilia”. Most of all, Dubrovnik with yellow-throat oatmeal is sung by a beautiful waxwing. And oatmeal Remez sings with dignity. But still, if the goal is bird singing, then you need to start singing leaders. The maintenance and feeding of Dubrovnik and yellow-throated is similar to ordinary oatmeal.

Lifespan and Remeza Nest Features

Если у птицы имеются благоприятные условия, то Oatmeal can live up to 4 years. But there are special interesting cases when the cases of birds of long-livers have been recorded. For example, in Germany, they found oatmeal over the age of 13 years. The most widely known became feathered builders Remeza. These birds are closely related with titmouses. Graceful and sharp-billed, small birds build nests, which are a closed cavity.

oatmeal resez nest

The nest has a narrow entrance. It is so strong that in Africa its locals often use it as a wallet. Such nests resemble mitts. Only her thumb is not connected.

Looking at the size of the birds, one wonders how bulky their buildings are:

• height - up to 22 centimeters;

• diameter - up to 12 centimeters;

• thickness - up to 2 centimeters.

The entrance to the nest is a tube up to 5 centimeters long.

The nest is suspended on hanging down, thinsprigs of a tree or bush. It is strengthened on reed stalks. If the terrain is damp with flooding, birds nest at a height of 2 to 4 meters. It happens that they hang directly above the water.

Landing for nesting remeza very rarely choose.Then the height of the nest reaches 12 meters. The frame is connected elastic and thin fibers, carefully wound on the supporting branches. The main building material is down poplar, willow, rogoza. The inside of the nest is necessarily lined with a thick layer of down with feathers.

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