/ / Are you sure that you will not go into the same river twice?

Are you sure that you will not go into the same river twice?

You broke up a long time, but now you want to tryto start from scratch? Or left with a bored job, but it turned out that she was just a paradise compared to others? So you want to come back, but people say that you can not go twice into the same river. What did Heraclitus really mean when he said this phrase? Let's figure it out and at the same time decide whether it's worth wasting time and emotional strength for a second attempt.

twice you can not enter the same river

Of course, everything flows, everything changes.Therefore, literally: twice in one river you will not enter. And more precisely, so the first time, when the water entered, the river every moment is new. Like the person at the level of biology: the division of cells, the movement of energy, fluids in the body - is constantly changing. Man and the other in the next minute, second, moment ... So it turns out that you can not enter the river twice.

It is about this transformation of life processesand Heraclitus spoke. Therefore, if you get acquainted with someone or get a new job, personal or business relationships change at any moment and they will never be the same again. But they can improve or deteriorate relative to the subject with whom the transformations occur.

enter the same river twice

But why under the dictum “twice in one river is notcome in, ”do people mean the senselessness of repeated attempts to improve relations? Or, relying on a well-known phrase, support a victorious view, fearing to bow, so that the crown does not fly off? The answer is simple: these are excuses behind which it is so convenient to hide. Of course, after all, the great thought was uttered by the great Heraclitus, and who will refute the authority? It is not necessary to dispute, because a truly outstanding philosopher, that contemporaries ascribed, did not say at all about that.

So what to do:to be or not to be the second attempt? Enter one river twice or search another? We will look for the solution of this problem exclusively through the river, in front of which you are now in meditation, so that it is clearer and that the wounds of the past will not be disturbed.

Here it is - the ever-changing river. In front of you.And you are not the ones that were a moment ago. So what of it? Set sail and experience all the good things that happened? Or is it scary to get wet and cold again and be smashed on steep rapids? If you are like this, you will squelch from the bay-floundering into the water, nothing good will come of it, even if you are a swimmer, which ones to look for. Pay attention to the fact that the river is familiar to you. All her whims are known to you: where is the warm current, where is the cold, where it is gentle, and where it draws into the whirlpool ... Use knowledge to your advantage. On a kayak or a raft float - you decide. But the fact that the journey must be prepared in the light of past mistakes is beyond doubt!

you can not enter the river twice

Here we come to the most difficult stage.Because you have to change yourself. What did not suit your partner or employer? Are you ready to look at yourself from the outside and not only admit mistakes, but also become exactly the way the “river” wants to see you? Will you perceive a new image as correct, truly yours? Only you can answer this question.

Да, говорят, что дважды в одну реку не войдешь.So what? You can enjoy life more than once or twice, almost always need to be happy (“almost” - circumstances that do not depend on a person, but so few, agree…).

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