Рогоз широколистный только на первый взгляд It seems to ignorant people uninteresting and useless plant. Someone in everyday life calls him reeds, someone - reeds. Both are wrong. Despite the fact that the cattail broadleaf is adjacent to both plants in the swamp, but they are not relatives. This family is separate. It refers to only one genus, in which only twenty species have developed, and broad-leaved cattail in it is the most common.
На любой речной заводи, по берегам озера или на wet watery swamp it forms dense thickets with strong elastic leaves very flexible when bent, stretching up to three meters in length. Neither a rainstorm nor a storm will ever bend or place it in water. Only the aged and dried-up parts lie on the water of the cattail. The photo attached to this article perfectly demonstrates its appearance. Remember it, so as not to be confused with other, very similar plants.
Рогоза – растение древнее и ценное для household needs. Until now, in Ukrainian villages there are houses covered with them. The roofs under it are warm, waterproof, they stand already for a hundred and a half years. Paleontologists find its traces in the deepest geological formations belonging to very ancient
Marine life jackets are sewn on his ownbasis. It possesses such remarkable buoyancy that in order to keep the human body afloat, only 1 kg of 220 g of fluff from rogoza inflorescences is sufficient. As for the production of wool, in early times there was no better material. In terms of physical properties, it is a soft, sterile material that has absorbing abilities, which military physicians have long used.
Very valuable rogoz from winemakers. Leaf they caulk tubs and barrels. Vines are tied up with ropes from it, that's why they call it boar grass. And what ropes in the olden time from him twisted!