/ / Commercial activity is the way to financial freedom or true ruin?

Commercial activity is the way to financial freedom or true ruin?

Commercial activity.This phrase is increasingly found in our daily lives. In generations that have emerged in Russia during the period of capitalism, enterprising people are increasingly appearing, ready to give up the guardianship of the state and wage labor in favor of the employer. Commercial activity is an occupation that becomes more prestigious every year. And the notion of "businessman" has long been synonymous with a reputable man. At the same time, entrepreneurship is fraught with many difficulties and pitfalls.

types of commercial activity

A significant part of beginning traders,decided to open their own business, is forced to close it in the first year of activity. Let's try to understand what is commerce in general? The definition of commerce presupposes an activity for the purpose of making a profit as a result of satisfying consumer demand. Thus, an entrepreneur who buys goods abroad and sells it to Russian citizens is engaged in commerce. Commercial activity is also a hairdresser in a neighboring house where the demand in the service sector meets, and the manufacture of accessories or clothes with their subsequent sale. As we see, this concept covers classes of completely different character. And here we smoothly turn to the question of varieties of such activities.

Types of commercial activity

There are the following types:

commercial activity is

- Industrial entrepreneurship. The basis of this business is the production and marketing of goods that are in demand in the market.

- Advisory entrepreneurship - an exampleSuch activities are lawyers, psychologists, various private schools, for example, foreign languages, private tutors and so on. That is, people selling their experience and knowledge.

- Insurance business, which sometimesisolated in a separate view. This activity is connected, of course, with guarantees of insurance payments, for which the client makes periodic stipulated contributions to the fund of the guarantor company.

- Mediation entrepreneurship, where the merchant acts as a link between the two interested parties, providing both services necessary for the transaction.

- Commercial entrepreneurship.The most common form in commodity-money transactions. For example, in Russia this sector accounts for 41% of all small business transactions. The simplest example is the purchase of bulk consignments from the manufacturer and its retail sale to the end user.

Perspectives of entrepreneurship

In the case of the persistence of successful operations,own business is able to bring very high returns to its creator. In such cases, commercial activity is an unequivocal success and financial freedom. History knows many examples. For a long time, the United States was especially diligent in generating them.

commerce definition
This has become almost a national idea,in the "great American dream." However, it should always be remembered that any business is fraught with certain risks. Depending on the starting and external conditions, they can be large in varying degrees. In our time, risks are primarily related to the monopolization of world markets by large corporations. At the household level, this means that the supermarket, having appeared in the residential area of ​​the city, almost always inflicts painful blows on small traders. A little-known manufacturer is difficult to compete with the promoted brands, no matter how high its products were. Speaking of Russia, the dangers of commercial activity have to add and unfavorable economic climate in the state.

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