Economic and mathematical modeling isthe study of the economy, its systems with the application of economic and mathematical disciplines. EMM studies quantitative relationships and regularities using scientific methods. Thus, you can model an object of any complexity and obtain a result that can not be achieved in other ways.
Economic-mathematical modeling, its advantages
Research costs less.
Less work time.
There is an abstraction from natural environmental factors.
In this regard, the researcher must:
Understand the methods and methods of research, as well as use them in a certain sequence.
It is good to know the principles of economic research.
To think logically, to reveal the logical connections between phenomena, to distinguish between the primary and the secondary.
Read literary sources, be able to apply these or other methods.
Think outside the box.
To organize research in such a way that not to cover the problem in a complex, but in time to identify bottlenecks and solve them.
Stages of economic and mathematical modeling
It is necessary to choose the research topic. Its name should be clear, reflecting the main task. Give arguments that would prove the need for research.
The goal should be clearly stated.
Draw up a plan and a research program.
Accumulate information.
Check the available information for homogeneity, reliability, representativeness.
Analyze information and summarize it theoretically, using methods and methods of research.
Make the necessary conclusions and develop measures for their implementation.
Economic-mathematical modeling, methods of economic research
A method is a set of techniques that are used to better understand the processes and phenomena.
Reception is a set of operations that the researcher performs in order to study the processes and phenomena.
The following methods of economic research are distinguished:
Historical. All processes and systems are studied in dynamics, in connection with specific stages in history.
Abstract-logical. The process is studied systematically, logically divided into parts, the main part is allocated, the laws of their development are established.
Statistical and economic.
Computational and constructive.
10.The method of economic and mathematical modeling, used for quantitative and qualitative analysis of phenomena, processes, for optimal development. For this, an economic-mathematical model is created for the object under study. It allows you to simulate the work of this object. Based on the results obtained, choose the best option for the development of the facility with a view to future.
In the case of economic and mathematical modeling, the following basic techniques are used:
- mathematical statistics;
- mathematical programming;
- one-stage and two-stage schemes of correlation analysis;
- calculations are performed using the theory of games;
- the theory of inventory management is used for calculations;
- calculations are performed using network planning;
The theory of queuing is used for calculations.
To solve the problem, it is also necessary:
1. Knowledge of economic theory, that is laws, laws of development of an economic society.
2. Knowledge of the nature of the problem.
3. Knowledge of methods and methods of research, studied in higher mathematics, statistics, econometrics, economics, etc.
4. Knowledge of the computer and knowledge of the application package.