Rafflesia - this is the creation of nature bearsThe proud title of "the largest flower in the world." True, this plant surprises not only the size, but also its other qualities, which have little to do with the usual ideas about colors. After all, the largest flower is a fetid, bright red plant, sometimes exceeding human growth. By the way, because of a hideous smell, rafflesia is often called a cadaverous lily. Although the locals call this plant "lotus flower" ("bunga patmah"). You can see it in the tropical forests of Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan) and the Philippines.
Its name is the biggest flower in the worldin honor of the officer T. Raffles and the botanist D. Arnold. The discovery was made on the island of Sumatra. The above-mentioned pioneers measured the flower, gave it a name and a scientific description.
Surprisingly, the biggest flower inthe world is not able to independently synthesize part of the necessary organic and mineral substances. Therefore, the named plant, in spite of its dimensions, parasitizes on vines. To do this, it produces special threads that penetrate the tissues of the lianas, not bringing them at the same time not the slightest harm. This flower has no roots and green leaves.
At the moment, scientists identify 12 speciesrafflesia. The most famous among them are Rafflesia tuan Muda and Rafflesia Arnoldi. The named species have the largest flowers. Even rafflesia sapri in diameter reaches 15-20 cm. It is interesting that Indonesians claim that the extract from the kidneys of the named plant contributes to the restoration of the figure after childbirth. As for scientists, they recognize that the life of this unique flower has not yet been fully explored.