/ / Vologda: the Einstein Museum is calling!

Vologda: the Einstein Museum is calling!

There is no person who today would not be familiar withnamed after Albert Einstein. Everyone knows his famous photo, where one of the most intelligent people on the planet and the founder of theoretical physics shows language.

The Einstein Museum

Around the world are located wonderful museums, bearing the name of the famous physicist of all times and peoples. This is today also in Vologda, a cultural city of modern Russia.

Vologda, Einstein Museum - tour number one!

This museum will have to taste not onlyadults, but also necessarily children! If your child is hyperactive and having a healthy curiosity, you definitely need to visit the city of Vologda. The Einstein Museum in it is the most entertaining place.

This amusing museum was invented for small people, but adults can be found here much more often than children.

The Einstein Museum 2

In an ordinary museum, as a rule, exhibits can not even be touched, not so much as to take in hands and try them for strength. But the museum of entertaining sciences of Einstein (Vologda) will allow you to go beyond the usual framework of rules and opportunities for expositions.

The exhibition of objects is aimed at the fact thatyou will have to test for yourself all the strengths and carry out the available experiments on them. Serious directors, getting into the museum, become curious disciples, and little pokachki turn into experienced physicists.

museum of entertaining sciences Einstein Vologda

What can I do in the museum?

At the exhibition of entertaining sciences (Vologda, the Einstein Museum) you will learn:

1. Create a steam cloud.

2. Choose from a maze made of glass.

3. Understand the principles of the piano.

4. You will see what the engine of the machine consists of.

5. Study over 100 interesting exhibits.

In the museum, adults and children learn the lessons of chemistry, physics and even auto mechanics!

You will become acquainted with the creation and operation of electricity. You will see the exposure of many tricks by analyzing the concepts of elementary physics.

A compulsory and indicative visit to the museumentertaining sciences for children who are just beginning to teach physics at school. This will undoubtedly warm up interest in science, explain its main principles and fundamentals, which in the future will affect the student's assessments.

How to find?

It is not easy to find a museum, since it is a littleis remote from the usual tourist route of the city of Vologda. But the area with the park zone is developing every year. More and more local residents and visitors are "laying trails" to a new attraction, which Vologda is proud of. The Einstein Museum is located on the street. Leningrad, 79, he opens his doors to everyone who wants from 10 to 20 every day.

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