Егор Борисов, биография которого описана в данной article, famous statesman, former communist. He is a member of the party "United Russia". The politician began his career with a simple technique, and later became the head of Yakutia. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Academician of REA.
Egor Borisov was born on August 15, 1954.in the Yakut ASSR, in the village of Churapcha. The name of the famous politician has ancient roots. The founder of the family in the 18th century was Kydaala, who was baptized and was named Fedot Borisov. Then he received the title of prince and founded the Telais heritage.
Egor's father always found time for his son.When he was 12 years old, he went with his parent to his first hunt. Yegor's father died when he was 16 years old. And he became the only support in the family. He had brothers and sisters who needed to be cared for while Mom worked. Simultaneously, Yegor watched the cattle, cleaned up after her, led the farm and prepared for the whole family.
With the teachers, Yegor was very lucky.The first teacher was Matryona Pavlovna. She taught school children writing and reading. At the same time she was engaged in their spiritual development and educational work. Egor's classy leader was VP Yakovlev-Dalan. The village teacher once saved the life of a schoolboy when he sent him to the hospital on time.
Учился Егор с удовольствием.Most of all, he was given exact sciences. He often won at the olympiads. In the tenth grade, Yegor Borisov received an invitation to the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Yakutsk State University. The young man was ready to take even without passing the entrance examinations.
But, after graduating from elementary school, he went to work. In 1974 Yegor entered the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. He graduated in 1979, receiving a degree in mechanical engineering.
Egor Borisov began to work immediately after the initialschool. For three years he mastered several professions. He was a welder, a mechanic and a mechanic. Then he became the manager of the workshop, and a little later the head of the Selkhoztekhnika association.
Borisov became secretary of the district committee of the CPSU. In the 90's.served as the republican deputy minister of agriculture. Then he worked for several years as deputy chairman of the government of Yakutia. In 1998 he became the republican minister in the field of agriculture.
In the year 2000Egor Borisov, whose photo is in this article, was appointed to the post of the head of the Yakutsk scientific research institute. The reason for the demotion was the discovery of the theft of the Ministry. In 2002 Yegor Afanasyevich was the head of the election campaign of V. Shtyrov. It was suggested that the appointment of the head of the Yakut government was somehow connected with Borisov's latest activity.
В 2004 г.Yegor Afanasyevich was involved in a scandal with journalist Yu. Pelekhova. She accused Borisov of machinations with securities (bills). As a result, the journalist herself was found guilty. The woman was arrested and received a long sentence for extortion. The media speculated that Yegor Afanasyevich was involved in the elimination of Pelekhova.
In 2007, he joined the party "United Russia".In 2010 Vyacheslav Shtyrov suddenly left his post. For many, this was a complete surprise, but the reasons for such a rapid resignation were not disclosed. Media questions were answered that Shtyrov left his post at his own request. Under the decree of D. Medvedev, Yegor Borisov, the president of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), was appointed to a responsible post.
In this position he remained until the spring of 2014.Then Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the authority of Yegor Afanasyevich. He was appointed acting head of Yakutia. Yegor Afanasyevich entered the authorities for a 5-year term in September 2014.
For his work, Borisov was awarded ordersFriendship and St. Prince Vladimir (first degree). He received the title of Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation and Honored Worker of the National Economy of Yakutia. Yegor Afanasyevich is a communications master. He is an honorary railway builder.
Yegor Borisov married in 1977.on the Praskovye Petrovna Cherkashina. The couple had two daughters - Alain and Sardana. The first has already given birth to Yegor Afanasevich with the wife of three grandchildren - two girls and one boy. The greatest value for Borisov is his family.
У политика много увлечений.In fishing Yegor Afanasyevich loves the process of catching. Hunting attracts him with excitement and the opportunity to test their own strength. Despite the fact that Borisov has been involved in political activities for a long time, he has not lost the skills of the former professions. He can easily find a malfunction in the car and repair the broken equipment himself.
While still a student, Yegor Afanasyevich is activelyI did sports. He is still trying to keep in shape. In former times he headed the Federation of Kickboxing and Boxing of Yakutia. Yegor Afanasyevich loves music very much. He prefers national and old songs. From the literature he is most attracted by historical publications.