/ / Pavel Priluchny: biography, personal life, son Priluchny Timofey

Pavel Priluchny: biography, personal life, son Priluchny Timofey

Будущая звезда кинематографа Павел Прилучный was born on November 5, 1987. His parents were not associated with creativity. Pavel’s father, Valery Del, worked as a boxing trainer and coached future athletes, and his mother, Lyubov Yuryevna, dedicated her life to choreography.

After some time, the whole family moved toSiberia and settled in a small town near Novosibirsk. When the boy grew up a little, some inclinations began to appear in him, and he went to a music school, but in addition to school his parents insisted that he also take up boxing and choreography.


At first, Paul did not even think about tying hislife with an actor's environment, and professionally engaged in boxing and wanted his hobby to become his future profession. But everything turned out differently. While playing sports, Pavel received various injuries due to which he had to change his occupation.

When Paul turned 13 years old came to their familygrief Father died. And for this very reason he had to finish the last two classes at school and go to college. His dream was to enroll in a choreographic school, but since their family did not have a good financial position after the death of their father, he decided to enroll in a drama school and begin studying acting in Novosibirsk.

Personal life

Pavel Priluchny son Timofey

On the set of the well-known series “ClosedSchool ”Priluchny met his future wife, actress Agatha Muceniece. The work on the series was not in vain and helped both to gain bright feelings, which later turned into a real family.

Soon the couple got married, and Agatha presented her husband with a son, whom they named - Timofey Priluchny.


Priluchny timothy

Timofey Priluchny is the first child in the family.happy parents, and, of course, that after his appearance, everything has changed. According to Pavel himself, after his son appeared - Priluchny Timofey Pavlovich, he changed many values ​​in his life. If earlier he went to rest only where he was better and more fun, now he looks at the options where the child would be better.

Сын Павла - Тимофей Прилучный, которому сейчас 3.5 years, already at such a young age, attends a music school, where the kid is taught to dance and he will learn the basics of acting. It is possible that the young talent in the future will follow in the footsteps of his parents, but, according to them, they would not want it, but if the son decides, they will not interfere. Also, the kid attends various sports sections, plays football, Pavel Priluchny and his son Timothy are always ready to drive the ball across the field. After all, a joint game brings parents and children very close.

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