/ / Cathedral mosque as the core of Muslim sacral architecture

The Cathedral Mosque as the core of Muslim sacred architecture

Most recently, the Moscow Cathedral Mosque was restored and expanded, main in Russia and the largest mosque inthroughout Europe. The building was truly monumental: the area is 19 thousand square meters. meters, a total capacity of 10 thousand people, six floors with elevators and all the necessary facilities for people with disabilities.

where is the cathedral mosque
Since the reconstruction began, manyrepresentatives of the non-Muslim world are keenly interested in what does the concept of "cathedral mosque" mean? How does it differ from other types of mosques and, in the end, why is the mosque so important for the Muslim, that Muslim communities from all over the world are ready to contribute to the construction of this religious building?

The main features of Islamic sacred architecture

The mosque is a Muslim religious building,designed for prayer. The very first such structure was erected in Medina by Muhammad himself, the last prophet of Islam. Then it had the appearance of a small area, bounded by a covering and a fence. Translated into Arabic, the mosque sounds like "masjid," that is, a place for making prostrations.

The main external elements of the structure are columns,arches, domes. These building forms of Islam borrowed from Christian churches. After the Turks captured the Byzantine Empire, they turned many religious buildings of Christianity into mosques. Later, Muslim architects were so inspired by their forms that they continued the construction of new structures for the same building models. The most striking example of such imitative architecture can be called the Blue Mosque - a prototype of the temple of St. Sophia of the Wisdom of God.

cathedral mosque

The architectural features of the mosque are called uponto express the whole multifacetedness of the Islamic worldview. The structure itself is a symbol of man's earthly essence, the top of the dome symbolizes the limit of all that exists, that is, of Allah, and the inner space of the dome embodies the Spirit.

what is the cathedral mosque

To the building of the mosque, one or the sameseveral minarets. The most common number of minarets is 2 or 4. Two minarets symbolize two hands, raised to heaven in prayer.

cathedral mosque

It is with the minaret that the muadzin makes an appeal forprayer. To do this, he must climb the spiral staircase of the minaret, turn towards Mecca and loudly sing the adhan (call). In modern times, the muadzin no longer needs to climb minarets, the recording of azana's recordings, played at the right time in a loudspeaker, notifies the role.

Internal organization

The most remarkable elements of the internal space of the mosque are:

  • The niche is a mihrab, which is located in one of the walls of the mosque, its main purpose is to orientate towards Mecca, for it is there that the prayer must face.
  • The Department of Mullah Minbar, which stands to the right of the mihrab.
  • The vault of the Holy Quran.
    cathedral mosque

Inside the mosque nothing animated is depicted,for such an image claims to be likened to the Most High. This prohibition is given in the Qur'an, where it is written that Allah will torment the one who creates such an image until the creator breathes life into the depicted object.

In mosques, geometric andfloral ornaments and calligraphic murals of quotations from the Quran and Sunnah. The most specific feature is the rhythm, synchronicity of the image, in which the ornate patterns of leaves are organically intertwined with the lines of the sacred text.

Types of mosques

The following types of mosque are distinguished:

  • Musalla is a construction of urban significance, used for ministries on the holiday of Kurban-bayram. It has the appearance of an open area.
  • The quarter mosque is a building designed for everyday five-time prayer.
  • The mosque is a structure designed for Friday prayers.
  • Kabire is the central Muslim religious building of the capital.


Since the Umayyad epoch, the cathedral mosque has been a visual aspect of the greatness of the Muslim rulers and the welfare of the ummah. That is why it is always different riches of decoration and pretentious decor.

In the cathedral mosque Muslims gather for Friday prayers (Juma-namaz). On Friday, a hutba prayer is read here. Festive sermons are also held.

what does the concept of a cathedral mosque mean

В исламе есть такая примечательная традиция:mosques can be called differently. For example, in honor of the great prophet, one of the four righteous caliphs, or, if the building was built by a specific person, by the name of him or his parents. If the building is built with the money of the community or with donations from foreign brothers in the faith, then its name should be as general as possible. For example, based on where the Moscow mosque is located, and given that it was built by the common forces of the Ummah, we can say that it summarizes and unites all Muslims of Russia in the geographical and sacral sense. By the way, its address: Crawled out the lane, 7.

According to the representatives of the highest spiritualleadership, it is the cathedral mosque that plays a fundamental role in strengthening the foundations of the Muslim Ummah. For example, Moscow, in addition to its direct functions, also serves as a universal spiritual center: important documents for the Ummah are received, international receptions of the leaders of the Arab world are organized, mass spiritual and cultural events and excursions are organized, explanatory talks about Islam are held.

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