/ / Barencevo sea. Description

Barencevo sea. Description

The Barents Sea is a marginal seaThe Arctic Ocean. Its waters are washed by the coasts of Norway and Russia. The Barents Sea is confined to the archipelagos Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard and Franz Josef. It is located on the continental shelf. The North Atlantic current does not allow freezing in the winter of the southwestern part of the sea.

The Barents Sea opened

The water area is of great importance for fishingand shipping. On the Barents Sea are large ports: Russian Murmansk and Vardyo (in Norway). Before World War II Finland also had access to the water area. The only non-freezing port of this country was Petsamo.

Environmental problems of the Barents Sea are of concern to many scientists. The main pollution is related to the activities of Norwegian plants that process radioactive waste.

It should be noted that lately there has been much controversy over the territorial affiliation of the offshore shelf in the direction of Spitsbergen.

It is believed that the Barents Sea was discovered by WillemBarents, although they knew about it in ancient times. Cartographers and sailors in the old days called the sea in different ways. Most often it was called Murmansk. In 1853, it was renamed the Barents Sea.

environmental problems of the Barents Sea
It is located within the continental shelf.However, unlike other similar seas, most of it has a depth of three hundred to four hundred meters. The average depth is 222 meters, the maximum depth is six hundred meters.

The surface layer of water has a salinity of atsouth-west 34.7-35%, in the north up to 33%, in the east to 34%. In spring and summer in coastal areas, this figure is reduced to 32%, and by the end of the winter season increases to 34-34.5%.

The south-western part differs relativelyhigh temperature and salinity. This is due to the arrival of warm Atlantic waters. In February-March, the surface temperature of water is from three to five degrees. By August, there is an increase to 7-9 degrees.

In the east and north, the Barents Sea is sufficientice. This is due to the harsh conditions created in these areas. Only the south-western part remains ice-free in all seasons. The ice cover reaches its maximum extent by April. At this time, about 75% of the surface is covered by floating ice. In extremely unfavorable years by the end of winter they can reach the shores of the Kola Peninsula. At the end of August, the smallest number of ice is recorded.

Barencevo sea

The Barents Sea is inhabited by a variety of fish,animal and plant plankton and benthos. Algae are widespread in the water area off the southern coast. In the sea there are one hundred and fourteen species of fish, twenty of them are of commercial importance.

Among the valuable species of fish should be called cod,perch, flounder, catfish, herring, halibut. Among the mammals inhabiting coastal areas, we should mention the harp seal, seal, polar bear, beluga. In large numbers there are also sea birds. Very common in the territory of seagulls, scrapes. In the 20 th century the crab was brought to the region. He was able to perfectly adapt to the conditions and began intensive breeding. The bottom of the entire water area is rich in diverse echinoderms, sea stars and hedgehogs.

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