/ / Main environmental problems of the Black Sea

The main environmental problems of the Black Sea

Ecological problems of the Black Sea

Currently, the Black Sea is an important part of the Atlantic Ocean and covers an area of ​​420,325 km2. It has more than three thousand speciesrepresentatives of flora and fauna. A notable feature is the fact that all the above-described variety is found only at a depth of not more than 150 m. Further, dropping below this mark, down to the very bottom one can observe the complete absence of life forms with rare exceptions in the form of anaerobic bacteria. This is explained by the fact that the deep layers of water are a saturated solution of hydrogen sulphide. This is a destructive environment for all beings who need oxygen for normal life.

Black Sea: environmental issues

Black Sea environmental problems
Like any other modern pond, this seasubject to the negative impact of anthropogenic factors. Annually hundreds of tons of harmful substances are discharged into its basin. Such contaminants can be safely attributed to all organic and mineral fertilizers, which generously fertilize the soil to obtain a better crop. It is they, getting into the sea and accumulating in the water, provoke the active reproduction of phytoplankton. In passing, such living organisms consume oxygen contained in the water masses, and thus create certain problems. The Black Sea covers a whole layer of dead algae, which every year becomes more and more. Under the influence of this factor in the near-bottom regions, oxygen deficiency is observed.

Environmental problems of the Black Sea are also determined by the following negative factors:

1. Pollution of rivers flowing into it, sewage rainwater. This entails not only a decrease in the transparency of water and the flowering of the sea, but also the destruction of multicellular algae.

2. Pollution of water masses with oil products.Similar ecological problems of the Black Sea are most often found in the western part of the water area, where there are many ports and a large number of tanker traffic. As a result, many representatives of flora and fauna die, their normal vital activity is disturbed, and the atmosphere deteriorates due to the evaporation of oil and its derivatives.

3.Pollution of water masses by the products of human life. Such environmental problems in the Black Sea are the result of the discharge of untreated and poorly treated sewage. The main load is in the north-western part of the region. The main spawning grounds for fish and reproduction of various species of animals and birds are also located there. Another significant factor is the active development of the coastline. As a result, the bottom surface of the Black Sea shelf is contaminated with cement dust and residues of chemicals used in construction.

Problems of the Black Sea

4. The negative factor can also include a massive catch of fish, which entails the inevitable and global restructuring of marine ecosystems.

These are the main environmental problems of the Black Sea.

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