/ / Education Abroad - Myths and Reality

Learning Abroad - Myths and Reality

The issue of studying abroad is becomingmost recently. Increasing the demands of employers on the one hand and the growing level of competition in the labor market on the other make many school leavers and students think about getting higher education abroad. But, unfortunately, around learning abroad, as well as around the majority of fast-growing trends, a lot of myths arose, forcing inexperienced people to abandon their dreams.

Let's try to figure out which myths most interfere with the decision to study abroad.

Myth 1: I'm not smart enough. Only the smartest learn abroad.

This is, perhaps, one of the most commonmyths about studying abroad. Many believe that only those of us who graduated from school with a gold medal can study abroad and who in the student's record book is only "excellent." This is not true!

Abroad, not the most intelligent, but the most intelligent learn. And if you read this article, then you are already thinking about studying abroad, and accordingly you can already consider yourself to be smart.

Most often, assessments in a certificate or diploma are notplay a decisive role in admission to a foreign university, but now with the formulation of the package of documents will have to tinker. But no one said that it was easy. On the other hand, you can entrust this work to professionals and save yourself the nerves and time.

Myth 2: It's very expensive to study abroad.

This myth has been imposed on us since childhood. We hear all the time: "Do you know how everything is expensive there?". And how much this "expensive", no one really wants to understand.

Training abroad can be absolutelyfree. It is necessary, only, to find an appropriate grant or to take part in any educational program. If we talk about paid foreign exchange, then its prices favorably differ from the cost of Russian paid education. For example, the cost study in Austria is only 363 Euro / family. And now ask how much it costs to study in Moscow.

em> "But, after all, the student needs to eat something andsomewhere to live, "you will say. Yes, but here study abroad has a number of advantages. A student can always find a hostel or rent an apartment. Yes, you did not misinterpret - rent an apartment. In Europe, the practice of renting apartments by students is common, as it is possible to easily find a very small apartment not far from the university, the rent cost of which will not exceed 300 Euro. And if you rent an apartment with someone for two, then the costs will be reduced by another half.

As a rule, food abroad costs inaverage, even cheaper than at home. This is reflected in the constant increase in prices for food products in Russia. And if earlier some products could still be bought in Russia cheaper than in Europe, now foreign prices are already lower than Russian ones, and even more so in Moscow.

strong> Myth 3: First you need to learn at least one foreign language.

Paradoxically, this is also a myth.Enroll and start studying in almost any country in the world can be with knowledge of English only or without knowing any foreign language. Many universities in the world have long practiced enrolling a student in a university, and then, already in the country, send him to language courses.

Being in the language environment and constantly visitingspecial courses for foreigners, a student, more often than not, begins to study in his specialty in a year. Of course, everything depends on the individual and the language he teaches, but there are usually no problems with this.

Myth 4: Who do I need there? They have their own, like me, a lot.

Yes many. But there are many students everywhere.First, many universities are interested in introducing ethnic diversity among their students, and a visitor from Eastern Europe, seeking knowledge in their university, attracts attention.

Secondly, any university needssmart cadres. And here the foreign student has an advantage. Citizens of the country who want to get education in their own country and stay there to work a lot, and smart foreigners who know exotic languages ​​(and what Russian or Ukrainian is not an exotic language?) Can be counted on the fingers. Still in doubt that you are smart? See Myth 1.

Myth 5: It's a waste of time.

em>«Образование не имеет значения.The main thing is experience, "we often hear. And this is partly true, but only partly. This myth has developed due to the fact that for the most part, Russian education has a theoretical component in its basis, and to apply theory in practice, a person certainly needs experience.

But this new experience is best obtainedin the process of training, and not in the enterprise. Abroad for a long time already education is largely outside the walls of the university. Students have the opportunity, after receiving knowledge, to immediately apply them in practice, which gives an undeniable competitive advantage in the labor market in the future. And the experience of practical work conducted under the supervision of knowledgeable teachers, subsequently, is irreplaceable.

Do not forget about the broad opportunities for communication. The student has many opportunities to make friends around the world, get acquainted with another's culture or find future business partners.

We listed five basic myths about learningabroad. Now many of you who have already thought about studying abroad will be able to drop their doubts, and those who have not thought about it will be able to consider one more option for higher education.

strong> And remember, your future is in your hands!

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