Any science is based on its methodology - a system of certain rules and principles for the receipt and processing of scientific information. Research Methodology - these are some criteria by which the selection takes placefacts of the surrounding world and scientific knowledge is formed. And, many discoveries in science were made only thanks to new methods of research, which gave an opportunity to look at the usual things in a different unusual perspective, from another new point of view. It can be said that the methodology of research represents a certain view of the world or a phenomenon that, in turn, lends itself to rational cognition, otherwise all methods become unnecessary and useless. What else is important to highlight in the question of the methodological foundations of science? It is the ability of the researcher to correctly present the results obtained, as well as the observance of ethical norms in obtaining results, especially this is important in the sciences related to the study of man and society.
Now let's talk about the specifics of the sociologicalresearch. Sociology is a science where the methodology is defined and affirmed quite difficult, even though it does not have any special, only its inherent methods. But the fact is that the methods of collecting and analyzing data in sociology are large, and it is difficult to choose the right one from them, which would be suitable for carrying out specific tasks assigned to scientists. The sociologist who, neglecting, perhaps, a little routine office work, is immediately "running" in the field to collect empirical data, poorly imagining the final result of scientific work. The activity of the sociologist begins in the office, where he builds a clear plan of action, defines the tasks and objectives of the forthcoming research, chooses the methods most suitable for this, and then conducts a sociological survey.
Actually, the methodology of sociologicalThe research includes sequential fulfillment of the following main tasks: 1) compiling a conceptual framework; 2) the definition of the object of research, its units, goals and objectives; 3) the formulation of the hypothesis; 4) development of a work plan and a scheme for collecting and analyzing empirical data; 5) drawing up a competent report on the results obtained.
Let us describe in more detail the meaning and content of each of the tasks facing a sociologist when determining the methodology of his research.
A comparison of the conceptual framework presupposesinterpretation of theoretical knowledge and positions in accordance with the empirical data in order to create a correct idea about the object of research, which in any case should be formulated with the help of basic concepts. This helps to correctly determine the direction that "field" data should be collected. This process is carried out, first of all, by analyzing the relevant literature on the subject of interest.
The methodology of the study assumes the definitionits goals and objectives. The goal is the final result of scientific work, and it is achieved through the passage of two stages: theoretical and practical. In the course of the first, the conceptual toolkit, meaningful for the research, is selected, and at the second stage, the information obtained in the course of the experiment is processed and interpreted, and the necessary recommendations are developed.
As for the research tasks, they specify the goal, dividing the work of the scientist into achieving it.
The research methodology necessarily containssuch an important element as the hypothesis. Without a preliminary hypothesis, any scientific inquiry will be incomplete and non-goal-oriented. After all, the final results should always correspond to the formulated preliminary hypothesis of the study. Only then will they be convincing and reliable. When formulating a hypothesis, the conditional-categorical statement "If ...., Then ..." is constructed, where the first part of the construction is a condition, and the second is a consequence of this condition. The final results can confirm or not confirm the investigation, in this case, the hypothesis is confirmed or not confirmed. However, the confirmation of the hypothesis does not mean its logical certainty, but only indicates its probability.
The work plan reflects all the main tasks and methods of the proposed research in a logical sequence, it organizes the entire process and distributes responsibilities among the performers.
Finally, the methodology of the study includesdrawing up a competent and detailed report on the results of the work done. It consists of an explanatory note, which shows the sequence of the program, and its annexes, which show various graphs, documents, questionnaires and questionnaires, tests, forms, etc.
We have tried to characterize the most common components of the methodology of scientific research, which determines its conduct and the final result.