All adult people unanimously say that the school- this is the golden time. Indeed, because there is not that cargo of responsibility and obligations, which appears later; there are no troubles and problems, there are no worries about the increase in the cost of products or the rise in price of gasoline. School is the time when you are left to yourself and your little inner world.
"Stolen time"
The duration of vacations always seems to be some kind ofa mystery. It is not at all important from what date the winter holidays begin, but their end comes very quickly and suddenly. Two weeks pass, it seems, faster than a few school days. Such a paradox creates the feeling that time is "being stolen."
In fact, almost so it is.The fact is that the things that we devote ourselves from the bottom of our heart are so fascinating that the time spent for their favorite pastime passes unnoticed. Another thing is studying, when you are waiting for the changes or the end of the school day. Thus, the processes that we do not like very much, seem to last a very long time.
So that time does not go away through your fingers like sand,It is necessary to occupy it with something that will bring a lot of new experiences and sensations. It is proved that events are better remembered if they are accompanied by a positive emotional background.
Winter vacations are a great time, whichcan be very interesting. Even in our country there are many places for recreation, where winter sports fans can meet with the elements. You can distinguish: skating, snowboarding, skiing with a steep mountain.
Traditionally, the winter holidays are connected with the family.New Year, Christmas - is, first of all, family holidays. An additional advantage of the winter holidays is also the fact that the rest of children coincides with the days off of their parents, which allows you to spend time together.
Return to school
Any vacation ends sooner or later.And I have to go back to school! But you have to think about how you'll see your friends and classmates again, how to become much easier and calmer. Moreover, high-quality and interesting winter holidays are energized and inspire new creative and educational feats. Yes, and the theme for fascinating communication, rest can also become!