/ Which oceans wash Russia? Short review

What oceans are washing Russia? Short review

Total Russia is washed by the waters of the twelve seasthree oceans. Also in Russia there is an internal Caspian Sea. In our country there is a large commercial and industrial, as well as the navy. All natural resources of these seas are under state protection. Like other countries, Russia is fighting the pollution of the World Ocean, which is due to the release of oil and other harmful substances into its waters.

what oceans are washing Russia

What oceans wash Russia from the north?

In fact, from the northern part of our homelandit is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean alone. Six of its seas wash the shores of Russia. These are the Barents, White, Kara, Laptev, Chukchi and East Siberian seas. All of them are marginal, and only White is the inner sea. They belong to the shallow water for the reason that they were formed by flooding the land with oceanic waters. The average depth of these seas is not more than 200 m.

The seas are separated by all kinds of mountainarchipelagos and islands: this is Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Wrangel Island, and also the Novosibirsk Islands. Therefore, the question "Which oceans wash Russia from the north?" Is not entirely correct. It is best to name one ocean and list its seas washing the northern territory of Russia.

Severe Arctic Ocean

The territory of these seas is very strictclimatic conditions. The water temperature is low all year round, and the coverage of the seas with ice increases in the direction from west to east. Only a small piece of the Barents Sea in winter is not covered by ice. This is because a branch of the warm North Atlantic Current enters this territory. In this territory there is Murmansk - a port that never freezes.

Because of the winds and currents of the ice of these seasconstantly move, or drift. When they collide, huge hummocks are formed, whose height reaches 15-20 meters. They are especially numerous in the Kara and Chukchi seas.

On the territory of the seas of the Arctic Oceanlies the Northern Sea Route, which is the shortest message from the western part of Russia to the Far East. Its length is about 5600 km.

which oceans wash Russia from the north

What oceans wash Russia from the east?

From this part our Motherland is washed by the seas of the Pacificocean, namely: Japanese, Okhotsk and Bering. From the open ocean, these seas are separated by islands. They are the largest and deepest in the whole territory of Russia. Through the straits of these seas there is an exchange of waters with the Pacific Ocean. There are good periods of tides. The largest tides are characteristic of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Here the tide can reach 14 meters.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Which oceans are washedRussia from the North and East? "Will be the following: in the north the Russian Federation borders with the seas of the Arctic Ocean, and in the east - the Pacific. Both in depth and in the relief of the seabed of the Pacific Ocean, they differ in principle from the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

It is interesting that the total area of ​​the Bering Sea (about 2 million sq. Km.) Is even larger than the area of ​​Saudi Arabia. In the Bering Sea, there are about 400 species of different fish.

And over the Sea of ​​Japan waves are frequent, heightwhich reaches ten meters. Especially often there are hurricanes in the fall. During strong storms, waves rise even higher. In its waters, there are about nine hundred types of fish.

In the relief of these seas it is clearly possible to tracethe outskirts of the continent, the deep-water basins, the continental slope. The greatest depths of these seas are about 3.5-4 thousand meters, and they are located near the island arcs, which limit them. They have a large number of active volcanoes. There are also deep-sea trenches, and on the border of lithospheric plates, the strongest tsunamis, earthquakes and sea eruptions are often observed.

which oceans wash Russia from the north and east

Features of the Pacific Ocean

Вопрос о том, какие океаны омывают Россию, is connected, first of all, with the peculiarities of their seas. Since the seas of the Pacific are located in a temperate climatic zone, their waters are characterized by warmer temperatures. But in the cold season, chilled air from the continent is carried to these seas. Because of this, almost the entire territory of Okhotsk, as well as areas of the Bering and Japanese seas are covered with ice strata.

The natural world of these seas is much richer than in thethe seas of the North Atlantic Ocean. In the Far East, there is a valuable beast - a fur seal, as well as a sea otter. Salmon, cod, herring, mussels and crabs are of great importance for the industry.

Southern and western coasts

What oceans wash Russia from the south and west?Here the shores of Russia are in the power of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. To the Atlantic are the inner seas: the Baltic, the Black and the Azov. They are located deep in the land and are virtually unrelated to the main ocean. These seas are quite warm. Their shores are important for the tourism industry. For a short time in winter, ice cover is formed on the Azov, as well as shallow parts of the Black and Caspian seas.

Interestingly, the ancient Greeks were not inclined to give Azov such a high grade of the sea. They called it simply - Meotian Lake.

which oceans wash Russia from the south

The youngest and shallowest is the Balticsea. Russia is washed by the waters of its two bays: Finnish and Gdansk. Sometimes strong winds raise the waters of the Gulf of Finland, which often causes floods in St. Petersburg. What oceans wash Russia, is of great importance for industry. For example, in the Gulf of Finland, the following fish species are caught: Baltic herring, Baltic sprat, cod. The fauna of the Azov and Caspian seas is more rich: for example, up to 80% of the world's sturgeon stock is in the Caspian Sea.

The Gulf of Finland has many interestingfeatures. For example, because of its freshness in the 18-19th centuries, this pond "sank" a lot of ships. The wood from which they were made was not salted with its waters, and therefore the ships very quickly sank to the bottom.

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