Many admirers of Russian poetry do not know whereburied the genius of world literature AS Pushkin. Pushkin's grave is in the Svyatogorsk Monastery Museum, which is included in the Pushkin Reserve. The poet himself often visited the walls of an ancient monastery, talking with a philistine and pilgrims, writing down folk songs, poems, dialects.
Pushkin was killed in a duel on January 29, or 10February in the old style, in 1837. Officially, the time and place of the writer's funeral were announced at the very last moment: friends of Alexander Sergeevich remembered that during his lifetime he expressed the desire to be buried in the Pskov province.
The body was escorted under strict supervision, but withoutgreat honors: the tsarist authorities were afraid of holding public demonstrations. The coffin of the poet was taken from St. Petersburg, accompanied by an officer of the gendarmes and secretly. Pushkin was succeeded only in his last friend by AI Turgenev. In his diaries, a record was later found on 2 February, where it is said that he was appointed as an escort for the deceased friend. However, he did not know the direction and the final point of the "procession" movement. About the destination Turgenev was informed only a few hours before departure. He wrote to his sister that on February 2 he had left the stable of the stable, he had to sit in a tent with the postman, just behind the body, while the captain of the gendarmes was sitting in front. A friend of the murdered man also tells in this letter that Pushkin's uncle with great heaviness followed him on his last journey, standing on the ground and following the coffin to the grave. The poet's friend did not deceive, the uncle of the poet Nikita Kozlov was genuinely shocked by the incident and did not want to let his nephew so easily.
In Mikhailovsky himself, tears and grief also existedquite a few months ago, in April 1836, the funeral of Pushkin's mother NO Pushkin took place here. Alexander Sergeyevich immediately bought himself a place next to the grave of his mother.
The poet was buried near Mikhailovsky.It was a frosty February morning, and Pushkin's grave was almost naked, with only one wooden cross. Only a few years later his wife, Natalia Nikolaevna, placed a marble obelisk here. The monument was erected on the grave in 1940. Most likely, in the same year a crypt was built, where the remains of Pushkin and his mother are kept. The grave of Pushkin is still modest and not too pretentious. A strict monument on three plates of granite has an arched type niche, where there is a marble urn. Above the niche are seen crossed torches, above is a laurel wreath.
On the obelisk, a posthumous inscription is inscribed, where the name, surname, patronymic and the years of the poet's life are indicated.
The place where Pushkin's grave is located (photo of herpresented in the article), imbued with an atmosphere of solemnity and lyricism. Fans of the immortal talent of Pushkin flock here from all over the world to honor the memory of the famous Russian writer and poet. But in particular, this awe and reverence can be felt on the day of the All-Union Pushkin Festival, which is held regularly in the reserve.