In Perm there is an impressive number of educationalinstitutions. In total there are 135. There are two kindergartens, two schools of the basic type, one hundred and fourteen secondary schools and twelve special profilers. Besides them, there are educational institutions of mixed type. They are designed for those who work. A special role is played by the Perm colleges. After 9th grade there are many who want to get a specialty. However, the first two years will have to wait until the school program of the 10th and 11th grades is mastered.
College for many years offers itsstudents a quality education. Specialists who graduated from it are very much in demand at a variety of urban construction enterprises, as well as throughout the country. Among them there are real professionals in their field, who for their work were awarded with the appropriate medals and other awards.
Construction College (Perm) trains onFor 3 years, if you enter after the end of grade 11. On the basis of basic education - 4 years. There are 6 construction specializations, and upon completion of the training, graduates are fully prepared to work in this field and receive a diploma with the qualification "technician". This educational institution should be noted as the best. Not all Perm colleges are ready to give such training as is given in these walls. We must pay tribute to the teachers. They always come to the rescue and will prompt you what to do in the circumstances.
The institution has existed for 90 years. Originally it was created as a musical and pedagogical college. Unfortunately, few Perm colleges have such a direction in teaching.
The educational institution produced a large number ofgood musicians and composers, singers. Now the college also actively prepares talented students in the following areas: artist, teacher, vocalist, conductor, organizer, head of pop bands, music teacher. All these wonderful specialties with the help of brilliant teachers and the director of the educational institution Zgogurina OV, who is the Honored Artist of Russia, can be fully mastered in 4 years of study.
Like many other colleges in Perm, thisthe educational institution was formed very recently - it was founded 50 years ago. Originally called the school of physical education. And in 2015, the college received a modern name.
Entering this school, the applicantcan master skills in such areas as: physical education teacher, deep training physical culture, fire safety, rescuer, junior class teacher, this includes correctional classes, additional education teacher, sign language interpreter. The college also prepares for 18 Olympic sports. Time for training in all areas - 4 years.
The regional college has existed for 59 years.For all the time he has released a large number of talents in his field. Now there is training in two forms: full-time and part-time, under the leadership of 63 outstanding teachers, Honored workers of Russian culture. The training is very interesting, various concerts and performances are held, folk song and dance ensembles, choreographic ensembles are organized. Like other Perm colleges teaching in this field, Permsky Krai suggests mastering the following specialties: specialist in the field of theatrical creativity, world art culture, solo and choral singing, acting and circus art, toy design and library science.