The method is a very broad concept, applicablepractically to every science and inseparably connected with research. Nevertheless, he has a very precise definition. The history of the development of methods and methodology is divided into two periods, as will be discussed in more detail in this article. In addition, problems of classification and evolution of methods will be touched upon.
Essentially, the word "method" has two full values.
First, the method is a method of theoreticalresearch or practical implementation. In this sense, it is perceived by scientists. For example, empirical (that is, based on experience) or deductive method (from general to particular). It is worth noting that these examples are methods of cognition, which is only one area of methodology.
Secondly, the method is the way to actin some specific way, the version of the action chosen by this or that person / organization, etc. For example, methods of management, control, manipulative methods.
It is important to note also the fact that both valuescorrelate with each other: thus, the definitions begin with the word "method", which is a very common synonym for the "method." Then comes clarification: what is it exactly? These are two important elements from which the method is created.
Methodology is a teaching about methods thatrepresents an integral system of principles of organization, as well as ways of constructing both theoretical and practical activities. In this definition lies the key to one general definition of the method.
That is, the method is that through which the activities are organized. But it is still accepted as a basis to take two demarcated definitions, presented just above, in the previous paragraph.
The method must correspond with the reality, with those properties and laws that the reality carries in itself.
The need for the emergence of methods follows fromtasks of accumulation and transfer of social experience. The early stages of the development of culture already contained the rudiments of methodology. But only when it was clarified the need to formalize the rules and norms of activity, it began to develop in a conscious and purposeful manner.
The methodology has long been included in the contextnatural philosophical and logical representations. Moreover, it represented the philosophical foundations of scientific and cognitive activity. Consequently, the definition of a method as a method of cognition first arose.
From this point of view various philosophers in differenttime in their own way classified methods. For example, before the spread of German classical philosophy, only two types of methods were distinguished: rationalistic and empiric. But the limitations of these areas was subsequently criticized. The nature of the methodology itself also remained unclear: from the mechanical to the dialectical. After analyzing the structure of the teachings of Kant, constitutive and regulatory principles were identified. Some categories were studied and presented by Hegel.
However, under the aim of philosophy, the methodology could not achieve specifics, remaining a combination of points of view.
In the twentieth century, the methodology began to cover a specialized area of knowledge. In addition, she was given a specific direction: internal movement, that is, the mechanisms and logic of knowledge.
Differentiation began to correspond to the methodology.
There are the following types of methods:
The method differs from the method in the first place.less specific. The second is, so to speak, a ready-made algorithm, an action instruction. The same method can be applied in different cases, while the methods are mostly narrowly specialized and developed for specific circumstances.
The evolution of methods is easily followed by the example of the Institute of Medicine, and more specifically, diagnostic studies.
Modern diagnostics are improving due to the progress and deepening of scientific knowledge. Currently, such devices and devices are provided that were not available at least fifty years ago.
It can be said that by modern methodssuch an invention of mankind as computer was extremely influenced And not only as an implementation of some developments, but also to analyze data that helps to identify logical links that have not been noticed before, to reform the methods, to adjust them to the current realities of life.
The method is a universal means, reception,essential element of any of the areas. Methods are progressing along with scientific knowledge. The structuring of methodology in the twentieth century helped to ensure that development acquired an extensive character.