Education in Perm is on enoughhigh level. Before each entrant there is a wide range of specialties that can be obtained both in the daytime department and in absentia. How to make the right choice among the diversity of educational institutions?
Perm State University
Begin to list the most prestigious universitiesPerm stands with the PSU. This educational institution was founded in 1916. At the moment more than ten thousand students study at the university. In the university there are such areas as biology, accounting, geography, meteorology, journalism, mathematics. You can also learn management, mechanics, political science, psychology, physics, philology, chemistry and jurisprudence. Thus, almost any graduate of the school will be able to find a specialty in the largest Perm high school to taste. On the basis of the university there are many different scientific programs. Thanks to active work on the development of the institution and cooperation with other organizations, the graduates of the CCGT are able to gain significant professional experience and then take a direct part in the economic, political and cultural life of the region or even the country.
Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University

Not everyone dreams about studyingphysics, mathematics or chemistry. Applicants who are not inclined to technical sciences should pay attention to the humanities universities of Perm, public or private. PSPU is an excellent choice for starting a career in this field. On the basis of the university there is forty one specialty. The areas of study include life safety, biology, geography, pre-school education, foreign languages, computer science, history, cultural studies, speech therapy, translation, social and cultural services, art education and law. The university exists since 1919 and boasts an impressive material, technical and scientific base. Graduates of the university can continue their education in the graduate school, which includes eleven branches. The teaching staff includes sixty-eight professors and doctors of science, more than sixty percent of teachers have academic degrees. All this points to the highest quality of knowledge provided to students.
Perm State Technical University

Those who, on the contrary, prefer precisely thescience, should focus on engineering and polytechnic universities of Perm. State, whose list is not so great, it is worth starting to list with PSTU. This is one of the most prestigious universities of this direction, which was founded in 1953. Almost twenty-five thousand students are currently enrolled at the university. The contribution of PSTU to the science of the region is invaluable and continues to grow. Like other universities in Perm, he offers an impressive number of specialties. Incoming can choose rocket engineering, automation and management, highways, geodesy, design, management, nanotechnology, instrument engineering, broadcasting, sociology, engineering and other areas. Total specialties at the university are almost one and a half hundred. Graduates of the university are competent technical specialists who do not have to deal with the problem of employment.
Perm State Agricultural Academy named after DN Pryanishnikov

While mentioning different universities of Perm, one should not forget aboutdirection of agriculture. Such professions always remain in demand in the society, in addition, the PSAA exists since 1930 and has repeatedly confirmed its prestigious status - it is really worthy educational institution. About ten thousand students are enrolled in the university. On the basis of the Academy, applicants are granted access to forty-six specialties, including agroengineering, bioecology, land cadastre, building design, meat and meat products technology, finance and credit, landscape architecture, landscaping, economics and many others. More than fifty doctors of science work in the university, all other teachers also have a high-quality education and scientific degrees. The material and technical support of the institution also does not cause censures - the educational process is organized at the most modern level.
Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Not all educational institutions in the city canboasting a long history. For example, military high schools in Perm. A list of such institutions should be started with the VI Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the most prestigious institution of this direction. It was founded in 1981. Fifteen thousand students are currently studying at the institute. The applicants are offered seven scientific areas, such specialties as automated information processing systems, biology, computers, testing equipment, radio engineering, software and others. The term of study is five years. For admission, we need not only the results of examinations, but also an application from the military commissariat at the place of residence or a report addressed to the commander of the military unit - for those who decided to enter the school during the service.
Perm State Institute of Art and Culture

Before the graduate of a school all universities open their doorsPerm. Specialties in them allow you to choose a profession to suit applicants with any interests and inclinations. For those who want to engage in creative activities, the PGIK will do. Like other prestigious universities in Perm, this institution of education has an impressive scientific base and a brilliant pedagogical staff. At the university, founded in 1975, there are about two thousand students. The applicant can choose any of the twenty-six specialties, including acting, library and information resources, document management, cultural studies, choreography, directing and applied computer science. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree.