Planet Saturn is the sixth in range fromThe sun in our star system. Its orbit lies 9.5 times farther from the luminary than the Earth. Very interesting and interesting facts about Saturn are associated with its famous rings. Similar origin and character of education were discovered by astronomers and other planets of our space region: Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter. However, they are much inferior in both massiveness, density, and brightness to the rings of the sixth planet. However, interesting facts about Saturn are connected not only with them. This world is full of many other mysterious phenomena.
Interesting facts about the planet Saturn
This celestial body is the third in size andmass in the solar system, second only to Jupiter and, of course, to the Sun. Interesting is that this planet has the lowest density in the entire stellar system. The density of Saturn is 0.687 g / cm3. This is lower than a similar indicator of water. Saturn is not at all like a rocky body, like our native Earth, Venus or Mars. In general, the planet consists of hydrogen (which is the lightest natural element), as well as helium, methane and a small admixture of rocks and ice concentrated in the core of the planet. On its surface it is impossible to land. Therefore, scientists call it a "gas giant." Some interesting facts about Saturn derive from its surprisingly fast rotation. The planet spins so fast that it literally flattens itself at the poles. Because this cosmic body has a noticeably flattened shape. Another side effect of rotation is the presence here of the most powerful winds in the solar system. Sometimes their speed reaches a monstrous rate of 1800 km / h.
Interesting facts about Saturn and its rings
Rings are systems of concentricFlat formations consisting of dust and ice. Actually, water ice is their main component. The size of these particles can range from tiny pebbles of several micrometers to clumps of several meters. In width these formations can reach thousands and tens of thousands of kilometers (the largest of them only three, but in fact there are many more). It is all the more surprising that the thickness of the rings fluctuates literally within one kilometer. And some disks do reach a thickness of 10-15 meters. The first scientist who observed these bodies near Saturn was Galileo Galilei. However, he managed to examine them only on the sides of the planet and took them for satellites. The real nature of the phenomenon was discovered by the German Christian Huygens. By the way, there is an opinion in the scientific community that the Earth could have had similar rings about four billion years ago. Over time, under the influence of gravitational forces, they gathered in a single body, gradually forming our natural satellite, which today can be observed in the sky every night.
Interesting facts about Saturn and its satellites
Satellites of this huge planet also exist.And more than any other in the solar system. To date, 62 satellites of this planet have been discovered. Some of them are no less amazing than Saturn itself. For example, Enceladus, consisting almost entirely of ice and snow, has an extremely white surface and the highest albedo in our entire stellar system. It reflects almost all the light that falls on it. Titan's satellite is very interesting to scientists because its composition and atmosphere can potentially be suitable for primitive forms of life. The scientific community seriously discusses the probability of finding microorganisms there.