In the analysis of modern statean authoritarian political regime is of great importance. The relevance of research on this form of government is mainly related to the nature of the era of transition to a democratic state.
Many modern countries have an authoritarianpolitical regime. At the same time, there are many varieties of this form of government in the world today. However, in all these varieties, you can see some features of the totalitarian regime. Thus, having their own attributes, the two systems of government are in a sense "related."
Thus, an authoritarian political regimecharacterized by the alienation of the people from public administration. At the same time, the use of the principle of electivity and officials, and state bodies, transparency, accountability and accountability of their activities is narrowed or completely excluded. Authoritarianism does not provide for a universal voice. This right is either canceled or becomes fictitious. Thus, the participation of the people in making vital state decisions is limited or imitated, and the principle of appointment is a priority. An authoritarian political regime provides for the absence or insignificant for the people and the impermanent functioning of government bodies elected by citizens. At the same time, the number of subjects that form the authorities is decreasing. On the ground and in the center, the masses are alienated from state administration.
The concept of political power is closely related to thecentralism. On the ground and in the center, the leadership is exercised by one particular person, a group of people or a small number of party (or state bodies) closely connected. Their decisions must be fulfilled unconditionally. There is no separation of power, preventing unreasonable concentration.
Due to the fact that the force is concentrated in the handsheads of the country, representative bodies acquire secondary character, becoming in some way "puppet" structures. In some cases, even their complete abolition occurs. There is no control over the activities of the executive bodies and the parliament. This structure does not have any impact on the development of the political course, on the course of the legislative process. Elections to the parliament are held in conditions of restriction or total absence of legal party struggle, therefore they are formal in character, being actually appointments.
As a rule, there are no self-governing bodies on the ground. They are replaced by officials appointed by the center.
A typical feature of an authoritarian regime is considered to be a monopoly on the exercise of public administration by a particular social or political group, several individuals or one person.
Managing and managing the affairs of societyis carried out with the use of command, administrative and administrative methods. In all spheres of public life, the rule of strict subordination to higher structures is predominant. The state at the same time is entitled to intervene in all aspects of the life of the people, controlling them.
The political system is dominated by one party -the ruling. Other political associations are allowed if they take the same side as the ruling party, or are loyal about its activities.
When authoritarianism is not illegalactivity of the government. Law and law are of secondary importance. At the same time, political power is vested with powers that are not subject to laws and are not limited to them.