/ / How to make and apply the plan of the characteristics of the literary hero

How to make and apply the plan characteristics of a literary hero

Literature is our domain.We are obliged to thank her for the fact that since childhood we have been imparted with the norms of culture and etiquette. But the study of this subject in schoolchildren causes a lot of problems, especially when it comes to writing. Surely everyone had to read an analysis of the hero after reading a literary work. How to do it? Where to begin? Just a bunch of questions in my head. That is why we offer you to make out a plan of the characteristics of a literary hero. We will do this with specific examples. Be sure to consider the kind of comparative characteristics of literary heroes. We will give the plan and examples below.

Where to begin

characterization plan of the literary hero

Before proceeding directly to writing an essay, you need to develop a plan for characterizing a literary hero. If we do not need to compare it with anyone, then approximately it will look like this:

  • Introduction.
  • A few words about the author and the work.
  • The role of the hero in the proposed work and its general description.
  • His views on the specific problems of the work.
  • Relationship with other heroes.
  • The conclusion.

Immediately, we note that the first two points can beto combine. The practice is widespread - the introduction is devoted to the work and its author. Nothing more to add. All text must be divided into semantic paragraphs. So it is easier perceived. Pay attention to such a technique as quoting, it is very important. We considered a rough outline of the characteristics of a literary hero, but how to apply this knowledge in practice? We suggest applying the above with an example.


characterization of the hero of the literary work

For a start, let's take the hero easier and the product,in which all problems are clearly identified. We offer the famous story "Mumu", written by the greatest author Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Of course, take the protagonist. The outline of the characterization of the hero of a literary work, in our case Gerasim from the story “Mumu”, will look as follows:

  1. Introduction.
  2. The appearance of the hero.
  3. Personality and character.
  4. The conclusion.

You can add more points to your discretion, butwe will stop there. Think carefully about all the parts, when you have made a plan for the characteristics of a literary hero, it is better not to deviate from it, but strictly go in order. Here we will write briefly, by the very minimum.


The story “Mumu” ​​by Ivan Sergeyevich is not exactly fiction, the heroes Gerasim, Kapiton, the lady is all real people living in the Lutovo estate.

Turgenev did not just retell the story with the janitor and his dog, but also gave him even more meaning. The story was immediately perceived as anti-serfdom, evoked a tremendous impression.


comparative characteristics of literary heroes plan

If you look at the plan for drawing upcharacteristics of the literary hero, we can see the next item on the external appearance of a person. The most interesting and time consuming part of the work. We suggest you more to refer to the text, insert as many quotes as possible.

As Gerasima shows us the author:This is a serious and strict dumb janitor, belonging to a mistress, who is by nature a self-fool. Ivan Sergeevich calls him a real Russian bogatyr, because he is incredibly strong and is two meters tall without five centimeters.


From the lines of the work it becomes clear thatGerasim is a hardworking and responsible person with a strong physical body. He is unusual, as evidenced by the lines: "... Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim ...".

Еще одна отличительная черта нашего героя – solitude, because he was lonely all his life, did not like to come to him, lived separately from his brothers. He loves the village very much and prefers it to the city. So he grew up alienated all his life because of his illness (Gerasim was mute from birth) and grew up to be a strong and enduring hero, like a mighty tree.

He is a very respected person, worthy, knows his rights and obligations.


characterization plan literary hero

In this paragraph it is necessary to summarize the essay.

Very interesting act of the janitor, why hedrowned so loved him a puppy? He was the only living being who reciprocated to him. This act can be interpreted as follows: a protest against serfdom. I.S. Aksakov interpreted as follows: "Gerasim is the personification of the entire Russian people, strong in spirit and physically, distinguished by incomprehensible meekness."

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