/ / Elementary school: morphological analysis of words

Primary school: morphological analysis of words

Morphological analysis of the word is afull grammatical characteristics of the word. In this case, words are considered in the context of the proposal, their original structure is restored and analyzed. To do the correct morphological analysis of parts of speech, it is necessary to be able to determine the initial form of words, to know their permanent and variable morphological features, and to understand the syntactic role of words in the sentence.

The schemes for parsing the words in the sentence are essentiallydiffer from each other, because they depend on the features of this part of speech and the form in which the word in the sentence stands. The morphological analysis plan itself may vary depending on the age of the students. Therefore, below, we will present plans for the analysis of individual parts of speech for pupils of grades 4-5.

Morphological analysis of the noun:

1. To determine the part of speech, to find the general meaning, to what question this word answers.

2. Define the initial form (put the word in the singular number of the nominative case).

3. Indicate the signs: a noun or a common noun, animate - inanimate.

4. To determine the gender (female - male - average), declination, case, number (singular - plural).

5. Indicate which member of the sentence is the given noun.

A sample word parsing "Fox" in a sentence "Foxes ran after the butterfly".

Oral analysis: Lysyata is a noun.It denotes a living being (who?) - a fox. The initial form is a fox. It is common, animated, masculine, 2-nd declension. In this case, the word is used in the nominative, in the plural. The word "fox" in the sentence is subject.

Written analysis:

Lysyata - exist.

(Who?) - the fox;

N. f. (the initial form) - the fox;

Naritsa, breathless, husband. genus;

2nd slope .;

in the names. pad., in plural. number;

play (who?) - foxes - subject.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

1. To determine the part of speech, to find the general meaning, to what question this word answers.

2. Put in the initial form (in the singular number of the nominative masculine gender.

3. Determine the genus of the adjective, its case and number.

4. Indicate which member of the sentence is the adjective.

A sample word parsing "hardworking" in a sentence "Hardworking squirrel stores nuts for the winter."

Oral analysis: Industrious (squirrel) is an adjective.Squirrel (which?) - hardworking. Indicates the feature of the item. The initial form is hardworking. The word was used in the feminine gender, singular, nominative. In this sentence, the word "hardworking" is a definition.

Written analysis:

Industrious (squirrel) - fit;

N.f. - hardworking;

Female. genus, unities. number, eminent. case;

Which one? - industrious - definition.

Morphological analysis of the numerals:

1. To determine the part of speech, to find the general meaning, to what question this word answers.

2. Put the numerals in the initial form - in the nominative case.

3. Identify the signs: simple - compound numerals, quantitative - ordinal, in which case stands.

4. Which member of the sentence is the given numeral.

A sample word parsing "five" in a sentence "Five people are hungry."

Oral analysis: "Five" is a numeral.The word denotes the number of galaxies (how many?) - five. The initial form is five. Simple, quantitative. The word was used in the nominative case. In this sentence, the word "five" is part of the subject.

Written analysis:

Five - number: .: Galchat (how many?) - five;

N.f. - five;

Simple, quantitative., In the name. the case;

(Who?) - five galchits - part of the subject.

Morphological analysis of the pronoun:

1. To determine the part of speech, to find the general meaning, to what question this word answers.

2. Put in the initial form (ie in the nominative case singular).

3. Identify the characteristics: the person, then (if any) - gender and number, determine the case.

4. Which member of the sentence is the given pronoun.

A sample of parsing the word "me" in the sentence "I did not have a whole summer."

Oral analysis: "Me" is a pronoun.Points to an object (to whom?) To me. The initial form is "I". Personal pronoun, 1st person. The word was used in the dative case of the singular. In this sentence, the word "me" is a complement.

Written analysis:

To me - the place:

(To whom?) To me;

N.f. - I;


Dateln. death, singular. number;

To whom? - To me - addition.

Morphological analysis of the verb

1. To determine the part of speech, to find the general meaning, to what question this word answers.

2. Put in an undefined (initial) form.

3. Identify the signs: conjugation, number, if there is - time, person, gender;

4. What member of the sentence is this verb.

A sample word parsing "Broke out" in a sentence "The first ray of the dawn flashed."

Oral analysis: "Flashed" is a verb. Indicates the action (what did?) - broke out.

The initial form is flashing, 1st conjugation. The word was used in the singular, in the past tense, in the third person. In this sentence, the word "flushed" is a predicate.

Written analysis:

Flushed - a verb;

(what did you do?) - flushed;

N.f. - break out;

1 conjugation, unified. number, 3rd person.

What did you do? - flashed - the predicate.

Morphological analysis of adverbs:

1. Part of speech, the general meaning.

2. An unchangeable word.

3. Member of the proposal.

A sample word parsing "fast" in a sentence "Dark clouds passed quickly over the sky."

Oral analysis: "Fast" is an adverb. Indicates the sign of action: ran (how?) - quickly. An unchangeable word. In the sentence is a circumstance.

Written analysis:

Quickly - an adverb;

Have you run (how?) Quickly;

a sign of action;

How? - quickly - circumstance.

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