/ / Goethe Institute (St. Petersburg). Language classes

Goethe Institute (St. Petersburg). Language classes

In 1951, the German non-governmentalthe organization created an institution whose tasks were the popularization of the German language abroad and the active development of intercultural relations. In the nineties of the last century, this organization expanded its activities in the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space. Today, there are twenty-nine cultural centers in Russia that represent the Goethe Institute. St. Petersburg is one of the cities in which the branch of this institution operates.

Goethe Institute St. Petersburg


Today the Institute.Goethe has representative offices around the world. Branches operate in three cities of Russia, in twenty-six small centers are open. In the northern capital since 1993 there is the Goethe Institute. St. Petersburg, along with many large cities in Europe, keeps German cultural values ​​outside the German-speaking countries.

Organization's activities

The Goethe Institute (St. Petersburg) regularlyconducts various activities aimed at acquainting the Russian-speaking population with the heritage of German culture. Organized exhibitions of modern German painters and photographers, conferences and seminars are held, dedicated to a variety of social and cultural topics.

The Goethe Institute (St. Petersburg) cooperates withlarge museums, cinemas and concert halls. But since the main goal of the branch is still the promotion of the German language, there are a few words to say about the courses. A special department has been set up for their implementation.

 Goethe Institute courses


For whom the training program is intended,which is used in the cultural center. Goethe? Institute courses offer different, they differ from each other in duration, thematic direction. Everyone who wants to learn German can choose exactly what he needs.

The shortest course lasts only four weeks.The longest is three months. Sometimes a person who learns a foreign language achieves good results in grammar, but experiences significant difficulties with pronunciation of sounds, whose equivalents are not in their native language. In these cases, it is recommended that you enroll in a special phonetic German course, which lasts thirteen weeks.

The head of the company, in the successful activitywhich play an important role in relations with German partners, is concerned about the linguistic level of his subordinates. Therefore, corporate courses are so popular today. Training can be organized both in the walls of the institute and in the office of the company.

 Goethe Institute of Exams


An international certificate is a document,which confirms the knowledge of the language at a certain level. The presence of such a certificate is a prerequisite for studying or working in Germany. But in order to receive it, you must pass the exam. Returning to the topic of language courses, it is worthwhile to say that training aimed at the successful passage of such slices also offers a center for them. Goethe. The institute, examinations in which fully correspond to the levels according to the established international format, also offers preparatory training. Anyone who speaks German sufficiently can pass the test. However, it is not easy to do this without first-time or distance learning.


Information department has a wide choiceliterature on cultural, social and political topics. Reference and periodicals are also available. Enough rare German art and documentary films can also be viewed today without any problems thanks to the information department, which has a cultural center named after. Goethe.

Goethe Institute reviews

Institute: feedback

Most of the courses at this institute arepositively. In large cities, there is no shortage of offers to teach a foreign language quickly and qualitatively. However, not all courses correspond to promises. The activities of the Goethe Institute have a narrow focus, and therefore one can safely say that for the person wishing to learn grammar, vocabulary and phonetics of the German language, the best way is to turn to the training center of this world-famous organization.

Although, it should be said that among the reviews aboutlanguage courses at the Goethe Institute there are also negative ones. But they, as a rule, are conditioned by subjective factors (the schedule of training, duration of a course is not suitable). In addition, when studying a foreign language, no matter how high the professional level the teacher did not own, it should be remembered that much of the knowledge is accumulated as a result of independent studies (during reading of art and periodical literature, watching movies and news). More effective than reading and watching television programs in German can only be a long stay in Germany.


The Institute. Goethe in St. Petersburg is located at: Embankment of the Moika River, 58.

In Moscow, to take German language courses through the activities of a cultural German organization can be at: Leninsky Prospekt, d. 95a.

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