/ / Holidays in Turkey. How many seas wash the coast of the country

Holidays in Turkey. How many seas wash the coast of the country

The region where Turkey is located is famous for itsfavorable Mediterranean climate that attracts millions of tourists to this country every year. Numerous beaches and resorts stretch for many tens of kilometers along the seas, to which Turkey has access.

how many seas in turkey

Where is Turkey located

Turkey is one of the few countries in the world whose territory is located in two parts of the world at once - Europe and Asia.The border between Europe and Asia runs along the waters of a strategically important strait connecting the two seas and at the same time dividing the city’s largest city, Istanbul, with a population of about fifteen million people.

Most of the country is on the peninsulaAsia Minor, which has the shape of an almost perfect rectangle. Despite the fact that foreigners are known to Turkey as a country of beaches and seaside resorts, most of its territory is occupied by the arid Anatolian Highlands, where the climate is formed according to the continental type.

where is turkey

Turkey's Maritime Borders

Turkey has common borders with Syria, Iraq,Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Greece. In addition, with many of these countries, the country also has maritime borders, such as Georgia, Bulgaria and Greece. Turkey also has maritime borders with the unrecognized republic of Northern Cyprus.

The total length of the Turkish borders is approximately2627 km, with the longest land border separating Turkey from Syria. And this means that the region where the country is located is extremely unstable from a political point of view.

At the same time, a characteristic feature of geographyThe Turkish Republic is its strategic position at the crossroads of numerous trade routes leading from west to east and from north to south. Many of these routes are traditionally maritime, and therefore, how many seas there are in Turkey is of great importance.

Minerals Turkey

In addition to climate resources, the country also hasrich reserves of minerals. And it is very important for the construction of a developed independent economy, because how many seas in Turkey would be there, but iron ore and coal will always be needed by any state.

Large coal deposits are located in Turkey along the Black Sea coast and near the city of Zonguldak are deepening in the central part of Anatolia.

Significant iron deposits are located in the eastern part of the country, where iron ore has been mined for several millennia.

what seas wash the shores of Turkey

Recreational resources

Отвечая на вопрос, сколько морей в Турции, стоит start with the Mediterranean, which has the most valuable recreational resources in terms of the disclosure of tourism potential. On its shores reigns mild Mediterranean climate with long hot summers and warm humid winters, and temperature fluctuations are insignificant.

But not only climate attracts onMediterranean beaches tourists. After all, here every stone breathes ancient history, there are numerous ruins of ancient Greek colonies and Roman cities with their amphitheaters and colossal temples.

Today on this coast are the most popular resorts, such as Fithiye, Marmaris, Kusadasi, Bodrum and Kemer.

Turkey geography

Marmara Sea

The full answer to the question of how many seas in Turkey,will be next - the shores of the country are washed by four seas: the Black, Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara. The last two are the inner seas of the Mediterranean. At the same time, the Mediterranean and Black Seas communicate with each other through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, which have been the subject of a dispute between the great powers for several centuries, until the conflict was resolved by signing a special document called the Montreux Convention on the status of the straits.

According to her, Turkey is the onlya country whose sovereignty extends to the straits, but also undertakes to observe international maritime law and not to impede the passage of ships from one sea to another in peacetime.

Marmara Sea is located between the Black and Aegean, from the first it is separated by the Bosphorus, and from the second - by the Dardanelles.

On the seashore are new areas of Istanbulwhich are connected by ferry with the largest islands - Princes. From the Kartal district of Istanbul, which translates from Turkish as “Eagle”, regular ferries go to Buyukada Island, since the islands themselves are also considered to be a district of Istanbul under the name of Adalar. Today, these islands attract many tourists with their untouched nature and clean air, because they are forbidden to use road transport.

Another major island of the Sea of ​​Marmara is Marmara. It was he who gave the name to the whole sea, because since ancient times there are quarries in which white marble of the highest quality is mined.

sea ​​borders of Turkey

Black Sea

Approximately 34% of the entire coastline of the Black Sea belongs to Turkey, which is approximately 1,700 kilometers. No other Black Sea power has such a long coastline.

Несмотря на то что на побережье преобладает moderately mild subtropical climate, its tourist infrastructure is practically undeveloped compared with the Mediterranean coast. However, these shores can boast beautiful landscapes, quiet towns and fishing villages along the sea.

Unlike Marmara and Black, the Aegean Seahas a huge number of islands, the number of which reaches two thousand. It is on this sea passes the sea border with Greece. The geography of Turkey is such that a mild seasonal climate favorable for the development of tourism is formed on all its coasts. All coastal areas of the country are located in good climatic conditions.

Thus, answering the question of which seas wash the shores of Turkey, it is worth mentioning the Mediterranean, Black, Aegean and Marmara, but attention to the key straits is also worth paying.

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