What river is Perm on?The city is located on both sides of the river. Kama - the main watercourse of the Western Urals, the length from the source to the mouth of which is 1805 km. The pool of the waterway includes 73718 large and small rivers. The vast majority does not exceed 10 km in length.
Currently, the main part of the metropolisstretched along both banks of two reservoirs: Votkinsky and Kamsky. The main part of the regional center is on the first one, and Ordzhonikidzevsky district is on the second one. The question of which river is Perm, has only one answer - on the Kama. In the center of the city 57.2 km2 reservoirs and 3.2 km2 other water bodies (streams, rivers, ponds, etc.). If you summarize the area of water surfaces, it turns out that in the city of Perm there are 60.4 km2.
Data obtained by the Perm Institute "Giprovodhoz".The work was carried out to protect the water area from the construction of buildings and industrial facilities, as well as control over water protection zones around small rivers. It is also forbidden to erect any structures.
Find out what kind of river flows in Perm, it's easy. It is only necessary to look at the map of Russia and find the inflow of the Volga, on which the regional capital stands.
Kama is not the only river in Perm.In the regional capital a huge number of small watercourses, the length of which does not exceed 200 km. At the end of the 20th century, work was carried out with detailed maps of the terrain. On a large scale, the staff of the Institute "Giprovodhoz" counted more than 300 creeks and small rivers. Most of them today, entirely or in places, are hidden in sewers. The central part of the city of Perm is built between the small rivers Yegoshikha and Danilikha.
Hydrologists include small rivers of the regional capitalto the category of very small rivers. The most famous among them: Motovilikha, Yazovaya, Yegoshiha, Willow, Danilikha. The length of these rivulets is no more than 10 km, and the width is from 2 to 3 m. The tributaries of these reservoirs have even more modest parameters. Many of them were transferred to collectors.
What kind of river flows in Perm?If it's big, then Kama. But there are a lot of small rivers in the metropolis. Not all of them are like big streams. The river Mulianka has a length of several tens of kilometers, but only the lower reaches of the river with its mouth enter the city limits.
The administration of the regional center isorganization of periodic works related to the removal of garbage and the elimination of spontaneous landfills along the shores of small rivers. The program of the event includes the removal of a part of shrub vegetation. The work is carried out with the aim to reduce the harm to the environment and improve the places of rest for the townspeople. The shores of small rivers were chosen by birds that build their nests here. In the lowlands grow different bushes and trees. However, the quality of water in many of them leaves much to be desired, especially in the lower reaches.
Having found out on what river Perm stands,desire to consider a more specific place. It can be designated as the region of the confluence of Chusovaya in Kama. This large influx is of great importance for the city. Chusovskaya water intake - one of the sources of drinking water in the metropolis.
The rivers of Perm, the map of which resembles a meshpattern, have a total length of more than 90 thousand km. The number of watercourses exceeds 29 thousand. The number of large rivers is only Kama and Chusovaya, because their length exceeds 500 km. 40 watercourses are classified as medium.
The vast majority of rivers have a plaincharacter. The distinctive features of the right tributaries of the Kama are a winding bed and a weak current. The sources of the rivers flowing into the reservoir to the left are in the mountains, and their upper sections have a rapid current, rapids, rapids and waterfalls. The middle and lower sections of the left tributaries resemble the typical plain streams.
Over 60% of the supply of Perm rivers is due tothawed waters. They have a long freeze, spring floods, low meadows in summer and in winter. In the northern regions there are many forests and more thickness of the fallen snow, so the period of high water is prolonged.
Each river in Perm has a name that has its roots. Among them there are Russians, Tatar and Komi-Permyak.
to assume that in places it is surrounded by swamps. There are low-lying and riding damp places. In the region there are about 1 thousand, and the occupied areas exceed 25 thousand km2.
After leaving the northern regions of the edge of the glacier, marshes formed on the surface. The southern and central strip of the region received them due to various natural phenomena:
The largest northern marshes have an area ofseveral hundred square kilometers. In the province there are over 800 objects that have peat deposits in industrial volumes. However, most of them can not be used for mining, because they are in specially protected areas and are of economic importance. Many of them grow cranberries, cloudberries and other valuable vitamin berries. Individual areas are used for haymaking.