/ / IPhE RAS: description, address

IPhE RAS: description, address

What does the word "institute" associate with?Probably, many will remember the years of students: lectures, course, passing exams, tests and, of course, defense of the final work. But there are other institutions that do not have a direct relationship to education. It's about scientific institutions. IFChE RAS is an organization known for its advanced development in physical chemistry.

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What is this science?The doctrine of solutions, corrosion of metals, catalysis, thermodynamics - just do not list. To engage in physical chemistry, you need appropriate equipment and people who can use it, get new results and implement them.

History and modernity

Officially, the Institute was founded in 1945 andwas called the Institute of Physical Chemistry. From a historical point of view, it would be correct to count the formation since 1929. This year, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kistyakovskii, in the structure of the Academy of Sciences, a specialized Colloid electrochemical laboratory was established. Five years later it was transformed into an institute with the same name.

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From the structure of the established scientific institution in 1957year department of electrochemistry, headed by A.N. Frumkin, who later becomes an independent institute. For 48 years, the two organizations exist independently, after which they become a single entity in 2005. Over the next period of time, a number of renaming has taken place, the current name is the name of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry. A.N. Frumkin. The legal form of the IFES of the Russian Academy of Sciences is FGBU.

Areas of scientific development

As in any organization supervised by the Academy of Sciences, the work carried out by the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences is of a fundamental nature. They include studies in the field of:

  • nano- and supramolecular systems;
  • corrosion and development of anti-corrosion protection equipment;
  • colloid chemistry and adsorption processes;
  • electrochemistry;
  • radiochemistry and problems of developing new ways of processing radioactive waste.

The organization has its own web resource in the networkThe Internet. The results of some realized projects published in the form of articles are posted on it. As follows from the information provided on the official website, the Institute maintains links with leading scientific organizations and universities in Russia and other countries, performs state orders on orders from the Ministries of Defense and Minatom.

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The Institute has a huge scientific potential,most of its employees are candidates and doctors of sciences, there are among them academicians and corresponding members. To train staff in the institution there are postgraduate and doctoral studies, there are three dissertational councils.


The scientific organization is in Moscow, itoccupies four buildings. Two of them are located on Leninsky Prospekt (house number 31, buildings 4 and 5), two more - on Obrucheva Street (house number 40, building 1). The fourth building, located closer to Leninsky Prospect, is the main building of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The address legally assigned to the institute corresponds to it. Detailed information about the institute, telephones, e-mail addresses, details can be found on the website of the scientific organization.

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