What is the world?In explanatory dictionaries, several meanings are given. According to one of them, the world is the Universe. There are other meanings. Many of them have long since emerged from the speech turnover. What does this concept mean? Which antonym to the word "peace" can be selected?
This noun is found in worksartistic and journalistic in different meanings. "The world can be changed by love." In this statement, owned by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, this word has the same meaning as in Dostoevsky's wise phrase, which has become winged. Russian writer (or his famous character), as you know, was convinced that beauty will save the world. Here this concept is equivalent to the word "society". Which antonym to the word "peace" should be used in this case? There is no opposite in meaning.
The antonym to the word "peace" that comes to mindfirst of all, is "war". But the name of the great novel-epic of Tolstoy does not contain a concept of the opposite in meaning. Under the word "peace" the writer meant "Russian society".
Before the spelling reform, which took place in1917, in Russian there were homophones "world" and a word in which the letter "i" was used when writing. That is, lexical units that sounded alike, but one of them meant "no war," the other was synonymous with the noun "society". As a result of the reform, the letter "i" disappeared from the Russian alphabet. The values of the two lexical units were combined into one word.
In Russian, the word "peace" means friendship, peace, absence of wars. And also the universe, light, all living things. In other languages, these categories of concepts are called completely different in sounding words.
Examples of the use of this noun inthere are many artistic and scientific literature. But to choose an antonym to the word "peace" is not always possible. The modern prose writer Ivanov A.V., for example, once said that for lovers the world around is just scenery. Here the writer had in mind not so the Universe and all living things as a social environment. The antonym to the word "peace", which has just such a sense, can not be picked up. What other significance does this concept have?
About what the world was, the ancient thought reflected.This topic is dedicated to their writings and modern scientists. In philosophical terminology, the word "world" is understood as "existence", "being of a person". There are no opposites in meaning.
The ancient Greeks believed that the world came from chaos.And people, and gods, and demigods, and the numerous beings in whom they believed, also arose out of it. That is, before the emergence of all earthly and divine was only chaos. According to ancient Greek mythology, this word can serve as an antonym to the noun "peace". But only if, under chaos, they understand the primary state of the universe, but not disorder and confusion.
The antonym to the word "world" - the phrase"Monastic life". For a noun, the meaning of which is considered in this article, the synonym is not only "society", but also "secular society". These concepts are not equal. The term "peace" is contrasted with the phrase "monastic seclusion". Examples:
This concept was also used earlier to define the peasant community.
Adjectives, formed from a noun,the values of which are considered in this article: peaceful, peaceful, world, secular, world-wide. Values, and, consequently, and antonyms, they have different. Examples:
The world is the absence of military action. Here are a few examples in which there are both synonyms and concepts that are opposite in meaning:
In some texts this can be replaced by the phrase "peace treaty". In such cases, the nouns "quarrel", "war", "contradiction" can serve as antonyms. Examples:
What else can you choose an antonym? The world is the absence of contradictions and struggles. So, the opposite words in terms of it - enmity, clash, collision, disagreement. Examples: