/ / Natural areas of Eurasia

Natural areas of Eurasia

The natural zones of Eurasia are characterized clearlyexpressed geographical difference. On this continent, all the existing zones are represented, from the equatorial forests to the arctic deserts. Each of them has some features, including unique flora and fauna.

Natural areas of Eurasia: location table:

  1. Equatorial forests are located on the Pacific islands.
  2. Monsoon forests are located in the eastern part of the continent.
  3. Deciduous forests in the Mediterranean.
  4. Deserts and semi-deserts are Arabia.
  5. Savans - the coasts of Hindustan and Indochina.
  6. Altitude zonality is expressed in the Himalayas.
  7. Coniferous forests (taiga) - these natural zones of Eurasia stretch from the coast of the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
  8. Arctic deserts - the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

Unfortunately, in the European part of the continentprimordial forests are almost not left - for many years they were subjected to massive logging, which also affected the number of animal populations. Some species are considered to be endangered and are protected by the state. To date, in Europe there are artificial plantations.

Eurasia: natural zones and their characteristics

Arctic deserts stretch all over the coastThe Arctic Ocean. The living conditions here are quite harsh. These territories are inhabited by seals, polar bears and some species of birds. As for the flora, it is mainly represented by mosses, lichens and polar poppy.

The taiga zone extends from the Pacific to theAtlantic Ocean. As the climatic conditions here change from west to east, the diversity of species also changes. For example, in the western part of Siberia the main trees are the following: cedar pine and fir, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean there is Korean cedar. In addition, the taiga is inhabited by animals such as lynx, moose, sable, martens, ermine and brown bears.

As for mixed and broad-leavedforests, they are almost gone. In Europe, secondary plantations appeared in their place, and arable lands were created on the territory of Asia. However, this zone is characterized by maple oak, hornbeam, elm, beech.

The steppes are nothing buthuge spaces with grassy vegetation. Unfortunately, in their original form they were preserved only on the territory of the reserves - only there you can study natural landscapes. The rest of the territory was allocated for agriculture. In this zone, mainly live representatives of rodents.

Deserts and semi-deserts are these natural areasEurasia is located mainly in the central part of the mainland (for example, the Gobi Desert). The conditions in these territories are far from optimal - low precipitation, cold winter and hot summer. It is interesting that there are places with so-called quicksand. As for vegetation, here it is represented by halophyta, wormwood, sedge sand and saxaul. In this area live rodents, some ungulates and representatives of reptiles.

The zone of hardwood forests and shrubs is insubtropical belt, or more precisely - in its western part. In the preserved forests, you can observe thickets of bamboo, as well as magnolia, camphor and laurel. But wild animals in their time were almost completely exterminated. Only in the highlands of the Near East still live hyenas, foxes and antelopes.

Savannah - these natural areas of Eurasia are representedmainly on the coasts of Indochina and Hindustan. The animal world here is very rich - tigers, elephants, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, deer, antelopes, monkeys. These areas are mainly planted with herbaceous plants, but there are also real groves of Indian banana, palm trees, acacias. There are also valuable species, for example, greengrocery and teak wood, from which are obtained expensive, rare types of wood.

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