/ / Yaroslav the Wise foreign policy and its results

Yaroslav the Wise foreign policy and its results

Ancient Kiev state, originating from the vocationon the prince's throne of Oleg Rurik, reached its climax under Yaroslav. No wonder the son of Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko went down in history under the nickname Wise. He ruled really sensibly, caring not only about himself and his loved ones, but also about ordinary people. He built schools and temples, founded cities, strengthened power in humane ways.

foreign policy of a wise man

Rise to power

The foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise will helpdepict the historical portrait of this man. He was an intelligent, judicious ruler who really cared about his state. But first you need to figure out how he came to power.

Yaroslav's father, Vladimir Krasnoye Solnyshko, hadtwelve sons. Among them, he divided Rus, giving each his own destiny. Yaroslav received Novgorod, a nice and rich city. Meanwhile, over time, he refuses to pay a tax to Kiev's capital, with the support of the Vikings. An angry father gathers a squad to pacify a rebel, but he dies suddenly.

Taking advantage of his father's death and support of his father-in-lawBoleslaw the Brave (Polish King), Svyatopolk (another son of Vladimir) declares himself the Grand Duke. He also kills his other brothers - Boris and Gleb. For this he went down in history as Cursed. Yaroslav gathers the army and, defeating his brother, captures Kiev. Then there were two more battles with Svyatopolk and the Polish army, after which Yaroslav finally strengthened in the capital.

foreign policy jaroslav wise table

Fighting Tmutarakan

After the victory over Svyatopolk, the new prince could notfocus on public affairs, and Yaroslav the Wise's foreign policy, which was sluggish at the time, is proof of this. There were still four remaining brothers alive, to whom he had to give out the land. But the Grand Duke did not do this, than he greatly angered them. Tmutarakan prince Mstislav organizes a march to Kiev and triumphs. After punishing his greedy brother in the battle in 1023, he proposes peace and division of the state along the Dnieper River. The conditions were accepted. Only then their united squad will celebrate a series of brilliant victories. Why will win both the foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise, and the state of the ancient Russian state.

wise foreign policy

Foreign policy

The foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise consisted instrengthening the position of Kievan Rus in the international arena. First of all, the prince marched together with Mstislav to Poland, from which he defeated the towns of Cherven. Then he directed his gaze to the Baltic region, where the Chud tribes settled. There he laid in his honor the city of Yuryev (today Tartu), because the Christian name of the prince is Yuri. Then, uniting the Novgorod squadron, the Kiev squad and the Varangian mercenaries in one army, he dealt a crushing blow to the Pechenegs, after which the nomads did not recover. There were also campaigns for yatvingas, Lithuania and Mazovia, Byzantium. Most of these campaigns were successful, except for the campaign against Byzantium, which was commanded by the son of Yaroslav.

foreign policy of a wise man

But the foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise (the table to that confirmation) was based not only on war. The ruler used dynastic marriages, extraditing his daughters and sister to foreign monarchs.

Foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise: table of marriages

Yaroslav the WiseIngigerda, daughter of the Swedish King Olaf
Sister Jaroslaw MariaKazimir, King of Poland
daughter AnnaHenry 1, King of France
daughter of ElizabethHarold the Bold, King of Norway
daughter AnastasiaAndrew 1, King of Hungary
son of IzyaslavPolish Princess Gertrude
son of VsevolodByzantine princess

foreign policy of a wise man

Internal policy

The foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise is briefly describedhigher. But a portrait of a historical personality, an outstanding ruler would be incomplete without a description of internal measures. The Prince directed his efforts to urban development, development, as well as the construction of churches and monasteries. So, it was he who, in 1037, ordered the St. Sophia Cathedral to be built in the golden-domed Kiev, which timed to victory over the nomads. Thus, he equated the importance of his capital and powers with Constantinople and Byzantium, where there also existed a temple of the same name. No less majestic churches Yaroslav built in Pskov, St. George and other cities of Russia.

Yaroslav is also known for his addiction tobooks, orders to translate them massively from Greek to Slavic. He opened schools, where children were taught literacy, favored the chronicle. And it is his pen that belongs to the first law code, known as "Russian Truth".

results of foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise

Results of the Board

The results of Yaroslav the Wise's foreign policy are as follows:Kievan Rus significantly strengthened its authority in the international arena, became the center of cultural, ecclesiastical and economic life in Eastern and Central Europe. Starting his reign from internecine wars, he strengthened the state and his power, enlightened the people, spread Christianity. He left behind him not only temples and cities, but also a clever successor, and also - a will to live in peace to all his sons.

The Russian prince died in 1054 on February 20. But the chronicles sometimes contradict each other, calling different dates. But the nickname "Wise" was fixed for Yaroslav only in the nineteenth century.

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