/ / Writing "How I spent the winter holidays." School writings

The writing "How I spent the winter holidays." School essays

St. Petersburg is a city of great opportunities! And also very loyal parents. It was thanks to their help that the magic world of the capital of Estonia was discovered.


What an inexpressible joy it is whena family holiday voucher is awarded a voucher for school holidays - the winter weekend will be spent in Estonia! Because a quarter is over without a single "troika".

writing how I spent the winter holidays

The writing on the theme "Winter Holidays" can be startedfrom the fact that I don’t sleep at all during the long nights, because it is worthwhile to thoroughly explore the World Wide Web for visits to the most important and interesting places for tourists and don’t miss anything.


The story of the winter holidays can be continued bythat the departure is usually scheduled for the coming days, which take place in pleasant confusion. Before any journey should make a list of necessary things. During the winter holidays, one cannot do without a bag, warm clothes and a phone with navigation through unfamiliar places (one has to write down the corresponding maps).

And then came the great day!

The long-awaited departure begins with a call.alarm clock in the early morning. Winter holidays officially come. To write an essay of such a plan is absolutely no difficulty, because this is one of the best memories.

essay on the winter holidays

A pleasant melody comes from the phone - the operatorreports that a taxi drove up to the house. The story of the winter holidays spent with your beloved parents may be interrupted for a short time, as you can fall asleep in a warm car. And wake up when everyone is already loaded into a beautiful sightseeing bus.

Start trip

Winter holidays ... A small essay cannotconvey all the emotions that overwhelm all. Almost all the way a large number of delicious sandwiches with and without sausage is consumed, as well as hot tea.

A powerful bus travels smoothly towards the Russian border, and after three and a half hours, strict Estonian border guards check documents at the checkpoint near the city of Narva.

the story of the winter holidays

All checks are successful, an essay on the theme "Winter Holidays" is already ongoing in Estonia.

Estonian miracle

Mostly (only one hundred and thirty second place in the worldby area) the parliamentary republic for twenty-four years of independence has changed beyond recognition — a full electronic money flow was introduced, unlimited access to high-speed Internet was obtained. Estonia became a full member of the European Union, NATO, a member of the Schengen Agreement. Citizens honor their language, identity, culture.

So, we continue the essay "How I spent the winterholidays. The Estonian chapter begins with a quiet, cozy hotel about five kilometers from the city. Things are left here, tourists are fed, and the modern tram carries guests to the very center of the capital, where a walking tour is planned.

The writing “How I spent my winter holidays in Estonia”. Chapter "Old Town"

Ancient buildings are very different against the backdrop of modern buildings and broad avenues. Narrow streets and towers are listed in the World Heritage List.

But everything is the same as many hundreds of years ago. This place is full of people - only now it is not locals, but tourists with modern photo and video equipment.

The building, against which it is worth taking a pictureabsolutely everyone - is a unique town hall, the only one that has been preserved in this part of Europe. The date of construction is about the fourteenth century. Here sat majestic men who solved important issues relating to the life of the city.

winter holidays write a composition

Now celebrations are held here andceremonial receptions. And in the lower part of the building sometimes hosts an exhibition of modern painting. These are very peculiar pictures that are far from being understood by everyone. But it was still interesting to guess what the author was trying to convey to the viewer.

At the top of the town hall is a weather vane, which accurately shows the direction of the wind to the delight of the residents of the city and the tourists onlookers.

Here is a pharmacy museum.An amazing, perhaps, feeling when you enter the building for the necessary medicines, and crowds of onlookers walk around and stare at the ancient scales and barrels. The guides diligently explain what constitutes one or another object, and why it cannot be handled. There is a very pleasant and unusual chaos.

Time stopped

Экскурсовод больше двух часов водит по узким winding streets. But even this is not enough to fully feel the unity with time. It stopped here. And if there was an opportunity, every member of tourist groups would daily touch the ancient secrets hidden around here. In this place it is good to walk and alone, pondering the secrets of the universe, and a big, noisy company that truly enjoys life.

There are many, many souvenir merchants. But they are absolutely not striking, do not interfere with the general temporary ensemble. Even on the contrary, they fit harmoniously into the clutter of the street.

during the winter holidays

Estonia is a northern country blown by strong winds. Therefore, it is not surprising that many fur coats, gloves and other warm clothes are sold here.

Everyone likes caps with images of various representatives of the local fauna. Immediately immediately bought one of them. And to her - a fridge magnet.

The guide, of course, speaks Russian.But almost all the people of Tallinn speak our language fluently. Repeatedly you are asked to show the way, and no one refuses. On the contrary, everyone is sincerely trying to help. And sometimes they even take a hand and take it to the right place.


Далее можно вкусно подкрепиться в одном из local restaurants owned by a very interesting, colorful lady. Then go on to further study the center. The evening sneaks up quietly and unnoticed. Cheerful music comes from the depths of the old city.

Even visually it is clear that the people on the streetsgetting so much more. The reason is usually very simple - this day is a popular festival. There is a stage on the square. Performers often follow each other. Music styles sound completely different. From mournful, soul-torn folklore motifs, to quite modern rock.

winter holidays small composition

To the beat of the motifs that come down, the crowd quiets down,catching literally every sound that comes from the mouth of a performer in national costume. He jumps, stomps, claps his hands under the roar of an electric guitar. In the breaks, a fat, bald presenter takes the stage. He tells incredibly funny stories (a little uncomfortable, when you do not know the language, but people are literally filled with sincere laughter around) and holds contests among children. Loser and offended does not happen - everyone gets a portion of tasty prizes.


When everything is completely frozen, you can againvisit the nearest restaurant. This time the owner can be a tall man, polite and very courteous, who will offer to try their signature dish - roast with garlic sauce. Just lick your fingers!

Everything is great. Even the unloved sour cucumbers here are especially tasty.

In order to warm up, the owner offers to try hot ale. The smell of cinnamon just crazy, and very soon the body is filled with a delicious, aromatic liquid.

Return to the hotel

It is time to leave the old city. You can still walk a bit along the modern streets of the city. But a large number of shopping centers after what he saw is not impressive.

winter school holidays

You can also visit the supermarket and go back to the hotel by city bus.


Tallinn is a city with a lot of museums.In the following days you can visit a lot of historical monuments. The writing "How I spent the winter holidays" could be written based solely on their exhibits. But these feelings can be felt only by yourself.


Essay "How I spent the winter holidays"ends on a fun and at the same time sad note. Tallinn is a city that I would like to visit more than once, so you should make every effort for a great end of the school year.

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