Buerak is a small hollow.A region in which such a phenomenon is abundant is the central part of Eastern Europe. The meaning of the word "buerak" and examples of its use in the literature is the topic of the article.
The top layer of the earth can not be perfectly even.On it in the course of time potholes, depressions are formed. Buerak is one of the varieties of such deformations. It is difficult to distinguish it from a ravine to a city man.
Buerak is a noun to which you canpick up a lot of synonyms. Words of close importance are the "ravine", and "watermine", and "rut". All these concepts mean deeper in the earth. Such potholes differ from each other in size, mode of formation.
Noun, the meaning of whichconsidered in this article, is often found in fiction. The author uses it, as a rule, to describe the mysterious, gloomy landscapes. Buerak is a sign of the impassability of the terrain. Examples:
Other synonyms for this word are gullies, raskat,Growth. The most stylistically neutral analogue is the pit. In Russian there is also such a thing as a bougar area. Where the earth is covered with potholes and bumps, a special herb grows. In its varieties can only be understood by a specialist. The common name of such plants is brown grass.
The names of villages and villages in Russia have an interestinghistory. Many of them are named after a significant person. Some are due to the natural features that distinguish the terrain. In the Saratov region there is a village, whose name is Buerak. Perhaps the area there has long been ravine, had a lot of ruts. Hence the name.