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How to quickly find a tutor in English

To find a tutor and courses in English I helped the bulletin board.

It happens that in the shortest time you need somethinglearn, learn, or understand. In my case it was English. It so happened that in my childhood I did not digest the teaching of foreign languages. But when childhood was already very far away and work requiring language knowledge was very close, there arose a special need to study English. But how can one study it? From books and the Internet, I immediately disagreed. Learning a language requires a living person to be a "teacher" or at least an assistant. The choice at that time was two - courses or a tutor.

Then the question was where to find it all.After asking teachers of English at the school where the son is studying, I understood only that teachers have enough trouble in school and apparently do not have enough time for tutoring. Yes, I was looking for a tutor then, the courses did not suit me. Having realized from friends and colleagues at work, I still found a few tutors, but they did not suit me by some criteria. Firstly - many tutors worked only with school-age children. Secondly, almost everyone lived too far from my house. But then a friend advised me a bulletin board on the Internet. Especially did not explain and just gave the address of the site, where this is a message board.

Then I came home and went to this bulletin board, it was called "Service Caravan". Indeed, there were many different services here. I immediately saw the choice of services that I needed. In chapter "tutor services"immediately found a service filter, which indicated allThe necessary parameters (Place of residence, program of occupations, age group). After seeing the list of resume and analyzing them I found myself a good tutor with normal experience. Immediately discussed my situation on the phone, the tutor (by the way, the girl) immediately recorded me for a certain time. At the first meeting, we decided when and how much I will continue to attend English classes. I will not describe the process of study. I will only say that studying at home with a tutor is about half the training. As I progressed my knowledge of the language, I was given different assignments for the house as well as various literature. At one point, the tutor advised me to go to the English courses (before that, I stubbornly did not want to record there). The main difference in the courses is work in a group, a very useful thing for learning. Why, I think we should not explain. The tutor suggested choosing the necessary educational course himself. And then I remembered the "service caravan". I found decent English courses at a very low price. This for me at that time was important, since my finances were sent to the family and to training through a tutor. Now I know English. With the help of this it turned out to go for a serious increase.

Sometimes people ask if I know goodtutors. Yes, I could give them the number of that tutor, but with 75% certainty, I can say that by calling him they would say "Oh, and you do not fit, I'm sorry." I give them only a link to the bulletin board so that people can choose the right tutor for their personal requirements. And I really understand them.

Author of the article: Konstantin Varlamov (www.nadonadom.com)

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