/ / Intelligent information systems, their types and functions

Intellectual information systems, their types and functions

Science and technology are moving forward with leaps and bounds. A particularly decisive breakthrough was made in the last decades of this century, and it concerns computer technologies, information systems.

What is IIS?

intellectual information systems

The task of specialists in nanotechnology andcomputer intelligence is to create an artificial brain that can cope with problems that require an ambiguous approach and creative solutions. In artificial intelligence it is necessary to invest experience, skills, knowledge, even the talents that a human person has. And this is not just for the computer to cope with one particular task. After all, similar or close situations can be an infinite set. And, "learning" to cope with one, the computer model can easily recognize and resolve similar ones. Because in her memory the knowledge of this person, his intellectual abilities, life experience and many other properties of personality will be introduced. Such a brain, no doubt, adapts for application in other relevant fields.

The most difficult moment in this task isnamely, to model such artificial intelligence, in which intuition, consciousness, subconsciousness would be present in accordance with the human. Such intellects in programming are usually called "intelligent information systems" - IIS. These systems must communicate with the person in his native, human language. A machine translation should be able to catch and process, "understand" all the rich, semantic and emotional, human speech.

intellectual system
In other words, intellectual informationsystems are computer models of the capabilities of the human intellect in the field of target search, analysis and synthesis of current information about the surrounding world in order to obtain new knowledge about it and to solve especially important tasks based on them. And if the first information systems simply worked on the basis of catalogs and classifiers, solving the corresponding problems, if automatic information systems relied on banks and databases, then the IIS included in its working potential not something but a knowledge base. In addition to collecting, processing and storing information, intellectual information systems are dealt with with intellectual problems and tasks.

The main directions in the work on MIS

functions of the information system
Work on artificial intelligence is conducted inthree main directions. The first is to uncover the secrets of human thinking, to explore the structure of the brain and the mechanisms of its work. Scientists are working on studying the psycho-physiological data of a person, working out hypotheses related to the operation of mechanisms of different types of intellectual activity, consider their introduction into intellectual information systems.

In the second direction,actual modeling, i.e. the creation of such a system with the help of computer technology, etc. Its representatives are engaged in the development of software, algorithmic schemes for computers of this kind and class that would act as an intellectual system and solve problems on a human, conscious and creative level.

Scientists representing the so-called thirddirection, work in a seemingly completely fantastic area - the creation of specific human robots in which the functions of the information system, i.e. artificial intelligence, combined with the capabilities of natural human intelligence.

As noted by the theoreticians involved andpractice, the most difficult stage in research and designed models is to find and implement the best possible combination of the fusion of the human and machine intelligences, to organize in the language plan an adequate dialogue between the system and man.

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