World War I

World War I wasan imperialist war between the two political unions of states where capitalism flourished, for the redivision of the world, spheres of influence, the enslavement of peoples and the multiplication of capital. Thirty-eight countries took part in it, four of which were part of the Austro-German bloc. By the nature of it was aggressive, and in some countries, for example, in Montenegro and Serbia - national liberation.

Поводом к развязыванию конфликта стала ликвидация in Bosnia, the heir to the Hungarian throne. For Germany, it became an opportunity to unleash a war with Serbia on July 28, the capital of which was shelled. So began the First World War. Two days later, Russia began a general mobilization. Germany demanded to stop such actions, but without receiving any response, declared war on Russia, and then on Belgium, France and Great Britain. In late August, Japan declared war on Germany, and Italy maintained neutrality.

World War I began as a result ofuneven political and economic development of states. Strong conflicts arose between Great Britain and France and Germany, since many of their interests in dividing the territory of the globe faced. At the end of the nineteenth century, Russian-German contradictions began to intensify, and clashes between Russia and Austria-Hungary also arose.

Thus, the aggravation of contradictionspushed the imperialists to the division of the world, which was to occur through the war, plans of which were developed by the general staffs long before its appearance. All calculations were carried out on the basis of its short duration and shortened nature, so the fascist plan was designed for decisive offensive actions against France and Russia, which were to take no more than eight weeks.

Russians have developed two options for the militaryactions that were offensive in nature, the French envisaged an offensive by the forces of the left and right wing depending on the offensive of the German troops. Britain did not build plans for operations on land, only the fleet had to ensure the protection of sea communications.

Thus, in accordance with these developed plans, the deployment of forces took place.

Stages of the First World War.

1. 1914The invasion of German troops into Belgium and Luxembourg began. In the battle of Maron, Germany was defeated, as well as in the East Prussian operation. Simultaneously with the latter, the Battle of Galicia took place, as a result of which the Austro-Hungarian troops were defeated. In October, the Russian troops launched a counter-offensive and pushed the enemy forces back to their starting position. In November, Serbia was liberated.

Thus, this stage of the war did not bring decisive results to any of the parties. Military actions made it clear about the fallacy of building plans for their conduct in a short time.

2. 1915Military operations were mainly unfolding with the participation of Russia, since Germany was planning to quickly defeat it and bring it out of the conflict. During this period, the masses began to protest against imperialist battles, and in the autumn a revolutionary situation began to take shape.

3. 1916 Great importance is given to the Naroch operation, as a result of which the German forces weakened their attacks, and to the Jutland battle between the German and British fleets.

This stage of the war did not lead to the achievement of the goals of the warring parties, but Germany was forced to defend on all fronts.

4. 1917 Revolutionary movements began in all countries. This stage did not bring the results expected by both sides of the war. The revolution in Russia thwarted the plan of the Entente to defeat the enemy.

5. 1918 Russia out of the war. Germany was defeated and pledged to withdraw troops from all the occupied territories.

Итоги Первой мировой войны.For Russia and other countries involved, military actions gave the opportunity to create special state bodies that deal with defense, transportation and many other issues. Started the growth of military production.

Thus, the First World War was the beginning of a general crisis of capitalism.

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