/ / Dmitry Mendeleyev: biography of the Russian genius

Dmitry Mendeleev: biography of the Russian genius

Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich, brief biographywhich is familiar to any of our compatriots, at least in general terms, is one of the most prominent scientific figures. It is about the main events in the life of this man that will be discussed in the article.

Mendeleev biography

In February 1834 in the family of the director of one of thegymnasium in the city of Tobolsk was born Dmitry Mendeleyev. The biography of the future scientist narrates that, in addition to him, the parents of the future creator of the periodic system still had seventeen offspring. According to the sad habit of those times, eight of them died at the earliest age. Dima's own training begins in the city gymnasium. And after it ends, he enters the State University of St. Petersburg. Here he studies in the physics and mathematics faculty and at twenty-one he leaves the university walls with a gold medal.

Dmitry Mendeleev: biography. Carier start

At the end of the university, the young man does not immediately beginto engage in scientific activity. For some time the young Mendeleev is trying to prove himself in the literary field. Actually, this step was promoted by time itself. His youth fell on the golden age of Russian poetry. However, soon because of problems with his health, Mendeleev was forced to move to Odessa. In that

Mendeleev dmitry ivanovich short biography
city ​​young chemist worked for a whilethe teacher of the gymnasium, which was held at the local University of Richelieu. But after one year Mendeleev returned to Petersburg, where he manages to defend his master's thesis, which gave him the right to lecture on organic chemistry at his home university. In 1859, a promising scientist was sent to Germany for two years to undergo an internship in the city of Heidelberg. Returning after this voyage to Russia, Dmitry Ivanovich soon becomes the author of the first in the national historiography textbook on organic chemistry.

Dmitry Mendeleev: biography. Recognition and flourishing activities

Still quite young at the time, a scientist in 1865he received his doctorate in chemistry. Already in this work he laid the foundations of an approach to the study of the chemistry of organic solutions, which became the basis for specialization in the future. After the defense, Dmitry Ivanovich for a long time held the position of professor in his native Alma mater, reading lectures here and in a number of other high schools of the capital. In 1869

d and mendeleev biography
Mendeleev publishes that very discoverythanks to which today it is known all over the world: the periodic table of chemical elements was first formulated and streamlined. Two years later, the later classic classic monograph "Fundamentals of Chemistry" was published, the author of which was Mendeleev. The biography of the scientist takes a sharp turn when in 1890 he leaves St. Petersburg University. He took this step in protest against the oppression of students.

Last years

DI.Mendeleev, whose biography shows an example of irrepressible energy, even continues to benefit the Fatherland even at the end of his life. The already recognized scientist worked for a certain time at the Marine Ministry as a consultant. Later he even organized the first chamber of measures and weights in the national history, becoming also its first director. Here he worked until his own death. Dmitry Ivanovich died in early February 1907.

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