/ / USSR: sights and main monuments of the epoch

USSR: attractions and major monuments of the era

From 1922 to 1991, there was aa huge in area and most powerful on economic potential state education - the Soviet Union (USSR). The sights of this country, monuments of architecture and monumental art are amazing today with their scope, massiveness and extraordinary realism. They are preserved in many cities of the former superpower.

В этой статье вы найдете самые известные the sights of the USSR: photos, the history of their construction and interesting facts about these objects. It will be about one sign building of the Soviet era and two magnificent monuments that adorn Kiev and Moscow.

USSR, architecture attractions: Kharkov Gosprom

If we talk about Soviet architecture, we can notnot to recall the constructivism - style, which was very popular in the 20-30's. And among the most striking examples of this style is the so-called Gosprom (House of State Industry) in Kharkov. It was the very first skyscraper in the whole USSR.

Sights of Soviet architecturediffer in their massiveness and scale. The same can be said about the building of the State Industrial Committee, built in 1928 from monolithic reinforced concrete in the main square of Kharkov (then - the capital of the Ukrainian SSR).

USSR sightseeing

The height of the building is 63 meters, and the totalthe useful area of ​​all its premises is about 60 thousand square meters. 9 thousand tons of metal and more than a thousand wagons of cement were used for construction of the State Industry. The first Soviet skyscraper served 12 elevators (seven of them still work).

USSR, monuments of monumental art: "Motherland"

One of the most majestic and most famousmonuments of the Soviet heritage - "Motherland" in Kiev. The author of this memorial was the architect Evgeni Vuchetich. He also designed a similar monument in Volgograd.

The Kiev Motherland has a height of 102 meters.Sculpture of a woman with a sword and shield is visible from many areas and residential areas of the Ukrainian capital. Originally it was planned that the monument would be gilded, but later this idea was abandoned.

sights of the USSR photo

Монумент был открыт в 1981 году.It is located on the territory of the Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. The whole monument weighs 450 tons. It is designed so that it can withstand even a large earthquake of 8-9 points. According to experts, "Motherland" in Kiev will remain at least 150 years old.

Sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl"

Listing all the most famouscultural attractions of the USSR in the 20-30 years, this object should be mentioned first. It is a question of the famous sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", established in Moscow in 1939. By the way, for many foreigners it is almost the main symbol of the Soviet era.

cultural attractions of the USSR in the 20-30 years

Sculpture in stainless steel 25 meters highwas originally made for the Paris World Exhibition in 1937. After some time she was transported to the capital of the USSR and installed about one of the entrances of the VDNKh complex. Soon this monument became the emblem of the studio "Mosfilm".

In 2003, a large-scale restoration beganmonument. The supporting skeleton of the sculpture was strengthened and its pedestal was replaced (in the end, it became ten meters taller). Today, under the monument is a museum detailing the history of the creation of this monument of Soviet monumental art.

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