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Do you know what is the biggest dinosaur in the world?

For a long time scientists had doubts about theWhat is the biggest dinosaur in the world. It was believed that the largest predator is the titanosaurus. However, with time and the discoveries that have occurred, it turned out that this is not so. At the moment, the biggest dinosaurs in the world are Diplodocus. They moved the titanosaurs, gigantosaurs and tyrannosaurs to the second position, which had previously been recognized as the largest.

the largest dinosaur in the world
Dinosaurs are unique creatures.Unfortunately, none of them have survived to this day. We can learn about these amazing animals only from excavations. Translated from the Greek language, the word "dinosaur" means "creepy lizard". But after all, it's true: if you look closely, the lizard is a small copy of a huge dinosaur. They have the same skeleton, and scaly skin surface, and other features of the structure of the body. At the same time, dinosaurs really were terrible predators of enormous size. If today such creatures appeared on Earth, they would cause horror and panic among people.

Scientists came to the conclusion that these giantanimals inhabited the Earth 160 million years ago during the Mesozoic era. Extinction of dinosaurs is part of the "great extinction", when on Earth many different creatures disappeared: flying lizards, mollusks, sea reptiles and others.

the largest dinosaurs in the world
As it was said, absolutely all dinosaurs were phenomenal sizes, which it is difficult to imagine to modern people, but among them there were record-breakers in size.

The first - and the largest - dinosaur in the world,more precisely, his remains were found in 1815 in Stonesfield, in the county of Oxfordshire. According to scientists, the fragments of the jaw and bones found belong to the huge predator lizard Sauria. This was announced in 1824 at a conference held by the Royal Geological Society, a geology professor at Oxford University.

Since 2007, it was believed that the largest dinosaurin the world - futalogkosaur (Latin Futalognkosaurus). The remains of this monster were found almost two centuries after the discovery of the first dinosaur, in 2007, in Argentina, in the province of Neuquén. As paleontologists suggest, it belongs to the group of titanosaurs. Presumably, he walked around the Earth about 85 million years ago. Its name comes from two words: futa and lognko. In translation from the language of the Indians who inhabited the territory of Chile and Argentina, they mean "the main giant". According to the scientists, the giant reached a length of up to 34 meters in length. Its weight is supposedly about 80 tons.

what is the biggest dinosaur
However, in 2010 the whole world was representeda new species - amphicelia (Latin Amphicoelias). This species belongs to the family of Diplodocus. According to scientific data, today it is the largest dinosaur in the world. The finds of this creature were made in the Morrison formation, on the territory of the Bighorn river basin. Unfortunately, the only result of the findings - a fragment of the vertebra - collapsed soon after the purification procedure and has not survived to the present day. Today, from the evidence of its existence, there is only a drawing. It is not surprising that the dimensions, and indeed the existence of this being, raise doubts.

But if, after all, there was an amphicelia, it is notOnly the largest dinosaur in the world, but also the largest of the known creatures. Its length was about 40-60 meters, and weight - up to 150 tons. According to these data, it turns out that the amphicelia is twice the length of the blue whale and is longer than 10 meters long, the futoglococusaurus, which until then was considered the largest dinosaur.

Scientists do not stop there.To date, opinions have already been put forward that there were also more massive dinosaurs. For example, bruhatkaiozavr, who lived on Earth during the Cretaceous period.

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