/ / Alexander Muravyov: biography and photo

Alexander Muravyov: biography and photo

The Decembrist movement had a great social andpolitical significance for the country. It reflected the thoughts and moods of highly educated, progressive strata of Russian society. One of the founders of the movement was Alexander Muravyov - general, participant of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Crimean battle. His father was the founder of the Moscow educational institution for the column leaders. Alexander Muravyov was trained there.

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Born in a noble family in 1792October 10th Before entering the educational institution founded by the father, he received primary home education and upbringing. In 1810, March 1, the future Decembrist Alexander N. Muravyov was accepted into military service. September 14, he was promoted to second lieutenant. In the autumn of 1810 - in the spring of 1811, he was on land surveying in the Kiev and Volyn provinces. From March 1812 he was transferred to the First Western Army. In June, Alexander Muravyov enrolled in the fifth building.

Military campaigns

Александр Муравьёв принимал участие в сражении near Borodino. For bravery he received the Order of St. Anne of the third degree. He also participated in the battles for Krasnoye, Maloyaroslavets, Tarutino. For his courage he received a golden sword. Alexander Muravyov participated in foreign campaigns of 1813. He distinguished himself in the battles for Fere-Champenoise, Leipzig, Kulm, Bautzen. From September he was seconded to the Platov Corps. In 1813, on March 16, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant, on November 2 - the captain.

In 1814 he was transferred to the General Staff of the Guard.In the same year, in August, Alexander Muravyov was promoted to captain, March 7, 1816 - colonel. At the First Reserve Cavalry Corps consisted of chief quartermaster. In the years 1817-1818 was the chief of staff of the Guards detachment during the stay of the unit in Moscow. By order of Alexander 1 in 1818, on January 6, he was arrested for malfunctioning of non-commissioned officers during a parade. Alexander Muravyov resigned in protest. In early October 1818 he was dismissed from service.

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Secret organizations

At the end of 1810Alexander Muravyov became a member of the Masonic Lodge of "Elizabeth to Virtue." In 1814 he joined the organization in France. From 1816 he was a member of the "Three Virtues." In the period from June 1817 to August 1818 he was the local master of the lodge. In addition, Muravyov was in the "Holy Artel". He also became the founder of the Union of Salvation. Participated in the "Military Society". Until 1819, he was part of the Union of Welfare. Participated in the compilation of the "Green Book". In 1819 he left the organization.

Arrest and punishment

Muravyov was taken into custody on his wife’s estatein s. Botove in 1826, January 8. Five days later he was taken to St. Petersburg to the main guardhouse. From January 14, he was in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In early July 1826, he was convicted on the VI category and exiled to Siberia without depriving the nobility and officials. His wife decided to go after him. At the end of August 1826, Muravyov arrived in Yalutorovsk. After a time, at the request of the mother-in-law, Princess Shakhovskaya, he was changed to the place of exile and transferred to Verkhneudinsk. In late January 1827 he arrived in the city. There he filed a petition for entry into the civil service. The petition was granted. In late November, the couple had a daughter, but she died at the age of five.

Alexander the Ants Decembrist

Career officer

At the end of January 1828Muravyov was appointed mayor in Irkutsk. He officially assumed this position by the end of April. In early July 1831 he was appointed chairman of the provincial government with the elevation of the rank of state councilor. At the end of June next year, he received a position in Tobolsk. From October 30, 1832 was a civil governor. In 1834, a conflict arose between Muravyov and Veliaminov (Governor General of Western Siberia). As a result, the first one was transferred to Vyatka, where he was chairman of the criminal chamber. But at the end of 1834, the successor of Velyaminov wished to return Muravyov back to Tobolsk.

At the end of May 1835He receives the post of chairman of the Tauride Chamber of Criminal Cases. In 1837, he quarreled with Count Vorontsov, and in early November he was transferred to Arkhangelsk Province. Two years later, due to the unrest of the peasants in the Izhma volost, he was dismissed from his post as governor. From mid-April 1843 Muravyov served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In mid-February 1846, he became a member of the Council of Ministers, carried out audits of various provinces. In 1848, on September 18, he was appointed a full state adviser.

Return to military service

В мае 1851 г.entered the General Staff in the rank of colonel. Muravyov was enrolled in military service on a personal petition. In the summer of 1854 he was seconded to Poland. In August 1854, he served under the General Staff of the active army. At the end of March 1855, he was elevated to the rank of major general, and from the end of July of this year he was sent on leave to treat cataracts.

Alexander the Ants General

Burial place

Александр Муравьёв скончался в 1863 г., December 18, in Moscow. The body was buried in the Novodevichy Convent. According to historical evidence, in 1920 the cross disappeared from the grave. Subsequently, the burial site was lost. In 1930, the cemetery was liquidated. The fence with a plate was moved from the northern part of the Volkonsky mausoleum to the burial of Trubetskoy. According to historical evidence, the grave of Muravyev’s father was destroyed. In 1979, a Stella monument was erected over the proposed burial site.


In the same historical period he lived in Russia andanother Alexander Muravyov - Decembrist, cornet. He was born in 1802, March 19. The middle name of this Muravyev is Mikhailovich. In the early years he received an excellent home education and upbringing. After a while, he became a listener to lectures of leading scientific figures, actively engaged in self-education. Muravyov paid much attention to the works of the enlighteners of France. At the beginning of April 1824, he was the cornet of the Cavalry Regiment.

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Participation in underground organizations

At the age of 17-18 joined the Unionwelfare. " From 1824 he was a member of the Northern Society. This period is his acquaintance with Naryshkin, Trubetskoy, Obolensky. Muravyov participated in many meetings of the society, he knew all the plans of his activities. He spoke with the active support of the draft constitution put forward by his brother. Since 1825, Muravyov has the right to enroll new members in the society. During this period, Suvorov was admitted to the organization, as well as Vyazemsky, Gorozhansky, Chernyshev, Sheremetyev, Koloshin, etc. On December 14, Muravyov participated in a meeting at the Ryleev's apartment. On the day of the uprising, the cavalier guard persuaded not to take the oath to Nicholas Muravyov was arrested on December 19 in his mother’s apartment.

Decembrist ants alexander nikolaevich

Conclusion and reference

In 1825On December 25, Alexander Mikhailovich Muravyov was placed in the Revel fortress, and on April 30 of the following year he was transferred to Petropavlovskaya. By sentence was deprived of all ranks and nobility. He was sent to penal servitude, sentencing him to 15 years. In early December 1826, together with his brother, Thorson and Annenkov, he was sent to Siberia. First he served his sentence in the mines in Nerchinsk, then he was transferred to the Petrovsky Zavod. In 1832, Muravyov was released from work. Not wanting to part with his brother, he continued to work at the Petrovsky Plant. In 1844 he received permission to enter the service in the provincial government of Tobolsk. In September 1853 he was allowed to return to the European part of the country. However, on November 14 of the same year, Muravyov died in Tobolsk. The body was buried at Zavalny cemetery.

Alexandra Muravyova - wife of the Decembrist

 alexander ants wife decembrist

She was the daughter of Count Chernyshev, who serveda valid secret advisor. Received an excellent education. February 22, 1823 she becomes the wife of the Decembrist Nikita Muravyov (older brother of Alexander Mikhailovich). When the spouse was arrested, she waited for the third child. In 1826, on October 26, she received permission to follow him to hard labor.

Muravyova was one of the first wives of the Decembrists,that went for her husband to hard labor. She possessed an infinite soulfulness and affection for relatives. She died at a young age - at the age of 27 - at the Petrovsky Plant. This death was the first in the circle of the Decembrists. At the request of her husband, a chapel was built over the grave. Two daughters were later buried at the same place. The chapel is preserved in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. She is in an old graveyard.

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