Legal education now is one of the mostpopular in our country. Despite the assurances of various specialists that lawyers in Russia are oversupplied, thousands of school leavers apply every year to the legal departments of various universities.
Организация подготовки юристов в современной Russia as a whole follows the traditional Soviet system of legal education. And it's her strength - tested and proven techniques always justify themselves.
The main way to get a legal education- training in law faculties of state universities, and in specialized legal institutes and colleges. However, graduates of the latter have not the highest, but the average legal education.
To obtain a higher legal education inRussia envisages the passage of a five-year full course of full-time studies. But this is for graduates who want to get the standard status of a specialist, for the master this term is longer, for a bachelor, on the contrary - less. There are also traditional evening and correspondence courses for students already working, calculated for 5 and 6 years respectively.
По сложившемуся принципу учебный процесс делает emphasis on training of lawyers of the broadest profile, who after completing the training will be able to occupy any position requiring legal education. At the same time, graduate lawyers should have a profound knowledge of a particular area of law. Therefore, for study, in addition to socioeconomic, humanitarian and general educational disciplines, a wide range of narrowly specialized legal sciences is envisaged. Among them: the general theory of the state and law, the history of political and various legal doctrines, the history of the state and law in Russia and in foreign countries. This also includes Roman law, criminology, the judiciary and international public and private law. And, of course, various branches of the Russian legal system - administrative, civil, tax, labor, financial and criminal law and features of various processes - civil and criminal legal proceedings.
Последние курсы обучения предполагают изучение an additional cycle of special courses, when students-lawyers pass specialization on a certain profile: civil-law, state-legal, criminal-legal, international-legal and others. In this case, the training courses and the subjects intended for them vary depending on the chosen profile.
After completing the basic training course forOften students are obliged to pass production practice, for example, in courts. During it the future specialist already receives initial skills that confirm the legal education.
In addition, there is a network in Russiaspecial higher legal institutions. They include: the Russian Academy of Justice, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which replaced the Higher Police School, the Academy of Public Administration and Management, the Academy of State and Municipal Administration, etc. The RAP prepares specialists who will work (or are already working) in the judicial system, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - professional police officers, and the Academy of Public Service produces future cadres of workers of the state, municipal and local government system. Here, in addition to obtaining a legal education, you can undergo retraining or advanced training courses. Its Academies are in all federal districts, this is not one educational institution.
Having received a higher legal education,can continue their education and engage in scientific activities in graduate school, and then - in doctoral studies. After the defense of the candidate's and doctoral dissertations, one can obtain an appropriate degree of a candidate or a doctor of legal sciences.