/ / "Boys": a short summary. Chekhov "Boys": content by chapters

"Boys": a short summary. Chekhov "Boys": content by chapters

Chekhov boys short

Who in his childhood did not dream to become fearless andvaliant traveler, a pioneer, then to proudly tell his family and friends about amazing, but certainly dangerous adventures, about the discovery of new tribes, about the mysteries of ancient civilizations ... The wind of wanderings, as a rule, originates from the tattered pages of your favorite books, when together with the legendary heroes of Maine Reed, Fenimore Cooper, Stevenson and Jules Verne, we easily cross the oceans, wade through the impenetrable thickets of the jungle, do not surrender under the pressure of cold northern winds, and even the sun-burning pus yni us uneasy ... The story of "Boys" (Chekhov), a summary of which follows, the story is about this period in his youth. In my head, too little knowledge. A sad experience, so necessary in life, has not yet knocked at the door. And the heart, unrestrained, not burdened, careless, proud and free, easily rushes, not looking back, only forward. Forward - to meet with a dream. And the easier the "mental baggage", the more grandiose plans to conquer the world ...

The summary of the story "Boys" (Chekhov AP)

In the courtyard there were voices: "Volodya has arrived!Volodichka has arrived! "It is with these rapturous screams that the story begins, and together with it our short summary of Chekhov's" Boys ". The good "clucking" of the mother, the aunt, the screeching and trampling of the younger sisters, the tender grumbling of her father and at the same time the unceasing roar of the bass of Milord's huge black dog - all merged into one continuous gleeful sound that had not subsided for another two minutes. When the first, strongest and brightest gust of joy passed, the Korolev family paid attention to the little man standing motionless in the corner. It was Chechevitsyn - the best friend of Volodichka, a second-class student who came to stay for a vacation to a friend.

The first day at home

A little later the whole family together with the guest sat downto drink tea. There was a slow conversation, during which the girls, Katya, Sonya and Masha, did not take their eyes off the new acquaintance. Unlike their plump and pale brother, Chechevitsyn was thin, swarthy, and generally even ugly. If it were not for the schoolgirl's costume, then on the exterior it could be taken for a simple cook's son. It is interesting to note that during the entire narration the author through portrait portraits of boys and their manner of communication constantly contrasts the two main characters. Is Chechevitsin an evil boy? Chekhov (the summary of the work follows) wanted to say something else - about how the foundations, values, inclinations inherent in us since childhood have influenced our destiny.

angry boy of Czechs

During the tea, Chechevitsin grew increasingly silent, wassullen and never smiled. The girls noticed that their brother, who was usually very cheerful, open and talkative, this time was scowling, without mood, he spoke little, reluctantly, and most importantly, he did not even take part in traditional gatherings with the production of fancy fringe for Christmas Christmas trees. Together with Chechevitsyn they sat down by the window, looked at a map, and whispered about something mysteriously. What about them? To this painful and strange question, the sisters decided to find the answer by all means ...

Oh, what they have learned!

We continue the summary of Chekhov's "Boys".In the evening, before going to bed, when Volodya and Chechevitsyn went to bed, Katya and Sonya, stealthily, approached the bedroom door and overheard their conversation. It turns out that all their thoughts and feelings were focused on one thing - the organization of escape "somewhere in America." But for what? The plans were grandiose. They were going to get no more "gold" and ivory, to enter into an unequal battle with tigers and savages, perhaps to be on a par with sea pirates, to drink gin instead of tea and eventually marry unseen beauties ... What will this require ? Nothing at all - "a gun, two knives, rusks, a magnifying glass for obtaining fire, a compass and four rubles of money." All points of the plan were once again agreed and approved. The campaign was planned for tomorrow. During such an exciting discussion, the guest of the family called "Montigomo Hawk Talon", and his best friend - "my pale-faced brother".

short story of the boys Czechs

Abstract: Chekhov's The Boys. Conclusion

On the eve of Christmas Eve, Volodya was like a drowned man in water, did not eat anything, and spoke little.

In the evening I burst into tears for no reasonsleep wrapped in the arms of his father, mother and sisters and held him for a long time. The girls understood what was going on here, but decided not to tell their parents anything - how can one break such a solid event ?! Early the next morning, at the most crucial moment, Volodya retreated. No, he did not quail, he just could not leave his mother and asked for a respite. How so? And what about America, incredible adventures, tigers, robbers? Chechevitsin could not believe his ears. He screamed, growled like a lion, was determined and undaunted, that, in the end, broke Volodya. He wiped his tears, dressed and they set out on their journey.

The holiday passed restlessly.The boys were looking all day and all night. Mom was crying. The sergeant came and even wrote some paper. Finally, the sleigh stopped at the porch: Volodya, Volodichka arrived! It turns out the boys were detained in the city when they asked where they could get gunpowder ... Volodya rushed his mother around his neck, cried for a long time and then lay with a towel soaked in vinegar on his forehead. And Chechevitsyn, still proud, arrogant and impregnable, was taken away by his mother the next day. At parting, he did not say a word, only in Katya's notebook made a memorable record: "Montigomo Hawk Talon."

boys of Czechs

Has the memory of the Korolev family of ChechevitsinAngry boy? Chekhov (the summary of the work is presented in this article) gives an ambiguous answer. Volodya's parents considered his friend the main instigator of all ills, and to girls this thin, freckled teenager seemed a real hero, resolute and extraordinary.

Once again I want to recall that the summary of Chekhov's "Boys" can not convey the subtlety and depth of feelings of the main characters, so reading the product is simply necessary.

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