The island of Keimada Grande, also called Snake, is one of the most dangerous places to travel in the world. Located on the Brazilian coast, the island includes about 445 km2 woodlands, and its main danger is that hundreds of thousands of different snakes, including poisonous ones, live here.
This incredibly dangerous Snake Island is locatedabout 32 kilometers from the coast of São Paulo in Brazil. Many locals are aware that it exists, but there are only a few who dared to set foot on the most dangerous island in the world of Keymad-Grandi and at the same time returned from there alive.
Not every adventurer will risk his lifein order to admire the most deadly snakes in the world, able to melt human flesh with their poison. Indeed, Keimada Grande, or Snake Island, is considered so dangerous to life that the authorities of Brazil banned his visit. An interesting fact is that in Brazil there is another Snake Island, located in Rio de Janeiro, but without snakes.
According to one of the theories of the origin of the island,11 thousand years ago, the sea level rose significantly and separated the land from Brazil. The remaining snakes, despite favorable climatic conditions, found themselves in a very difficult (in terms of food) position, which probably affected the lethality and bloodthirstiness of their future descendants.
The serpents left in complete isolation continued theirand the feed was migratory birds that used the island (Keimada Grande) as a staging post during their seasonal travel. Many snakes climb trees perfectly, so they can easily get their own food by hunting birds. From time to time, snakes themselves become prey, mostly young individuals. Cormorants, arriving from the coast of Brazil, attack snake cubs, while avoiding adult individuals.
Forbidden island is called because of the fact that at 1 m2 There are 5 venomous snakes in the area, if you believelegends. Perhaps this fact is slightly exaggerated, but, nevertheless, it still has to do with real indicators. Keimada-Grandi is an island where snakes are the full-fledged owners of the territory, and people here are better off not appearing.
If you watch the island from the water, you cansee whole snake snakes, which calmly bask in the sun on the coastal rocks. With a strong desire, one could try to evict these reptiles from the island. But the fact is that many of them are on the verge of extinction, and the island of Keimada Grande is the only place where they can be found, therefore, all measures are taken to protect and protect them, even though they themselves are also able to stand for myself.
Despite its attractive appearance, the islandhas nothing to do with heavenly place. The only building in this uninhabited place is the lighthouse erected in 1909, which now works offline. Of the thousands of species of snakes on the island, a particularly dangerous island Zhararaka (island botrops) stands out. This is one of the most deadly snakes in the world. Her bite causes necrosis of muscle tissue. Because of the incredibly strong poison, for example, an animal the size of a small mouse dies in 2 seconds.
Bottrop is very fast, strong andpoisonous reptile. His poison is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. The survivors of the bite tell the most horrific stories after meeting a snake. The fact is that the bitten places literally erodes, and the human flesh falls off in whole pieces, and there is also a lot of blood loss, and the person experiences acute pain. After several deaths, attempts to settle in Kaymada-Grandi (the island of venomous snakes) ceased.
At the end of the 19th century, several businessmen fromSão Paulo’s cities tried to colonize the island. The plans of the businessmen were to smash vast banana plantations in the area, burn out forests and destroy creeping reptiles. But the true owners of the island showed the colonialists, who is the owner. Once on shore, the employed workers were immediately attacked by snakes, from which even high rubber boots could not save. This round ended in favor of the reptiles.
After some time, the colonization continuedmore prepared group. Working clothes were made using a special technology and well protected from snake bites. However, another unreported problem arose. The Keymad Grandi (Snake Island), the photos of the inhabitants of which are terrifying, is characterized by a very hot climate, and the workers had to make a cruel choice: to be bitten or die from suffocation. In such a rubberized suit in the heat of people just could not stand the heart.
Остров даже пытались выжечь, чему мешало periodic precipitation. After unsuccessful attempts to win the island from the snakes, possession of them again returned to the state. A lighthouse was built on the partially vacated territory, which, however, does not mean that you can find shelter here, but warns that it’s not safe for human health, which doesn’t stop curious tourists who want to at least see the snakes in the distance. Island.