/ / The Temple of Hagia Sophia, located in Constantinople

The Temple of Hagia Sophia, located in Constantinople

The Temple of Hagia Sophia, which many call the peakByzantine architecture, for many centuries set the direction of the development of architecture in many states of Eastern and Western Europe, as well as the Middle East. In the Christian religion, it can perhaps be called one of the most monumental structures.

Temple of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople
In honor of the Wisdom of God in Constantinople, many Orthodox churches have been built, but the temple of Hagia Sophia is the largest and most famous of them.

History names two names of the authors of this work of art: Isidore of Miletus and Anthimius of Trull. They come from Asia, with whom nearly ten thousand workers worked.

In 324, Constantine the Great founded in hishonor the city of Constantinople, which became the new capital of his empire. And after two years he gave the order to build the temple of Hagia Sophia, in Constantinople, which became the first monument of Byzantine architecture. Of course, first and foremost, he had to personify the greatness of the emperor, so from all ends here brought gold, marble, silver, ivory, precious stones. From the surrounding ancient temples everything that could be useful for a new cathedral was taken out.

The Temple of Hagia Sophia is built from completely new

The Temple of Hagia Sophia
Change of materials:lime, made on barley water, cement with the addition of oil. However, his luxury was in the use of precious stones - topaz, sapphires, rubies. Even the floors were made of jasper and porphyry. The chroniclers of those times called the temple "the most wonderful sight, soaring up to the skies, full of sunlight, as if the light radiated from within."

The most majestic in the temple of Hagia Sophiaits dome is 32 meters in diameter. For the first time in the construction of the dome was made with triangular arches: it is supported by four pillars, while it itself is formed from forty arches with windows. The sun's rays, getting into them, create the illusion that the dome is floating in the air.

At the beginning of the 13th century, the Church of St. Sophia stronglysuffered from the crusaders: some of her wealth was taken to Europe. Nothing is still known about the fate of the golden altar, which was taken out of the sanctuary.

In the 15th century, after the capture of the city by the Turks,the cathedral, at the behest of Mahmed Fatih, was turned into a mosque. And since according to Muslim laws animals and people can not be depicted in frescoes, all its walls were barbarously covered with lime, a crescent was installed instead of a cross and four minarets were completed. Inside the temple of Hagia Sophia, now called Aya Sophia, was supplemented with tombs and a luxurious sultan's bed, and on the shields the name of the prophet Muhammad and the first caliphs was displayed in gold.

Miraculously, the mosaic with the figures of Mary with the baby,

Interior decoration of the temple of Hagia Sofia
Constantine and Justinian.

St. Sophia has one attraction: inside there is a column, which is called sweating. According to legend, all the sick places of a person immediately heal, if they are attached to it.

In addition, the temple has a riddle:in one of its niches on the right side, there is a constant buzz of noise. The legend says that about a thousand believers were hiding from the Turks in the church, and when the invaders broke in, the priest read a prayer. When the Janissaries raised their swords over the priest, the niche wall suddenly opened and tightened it inside. It is said that the noise is the sound of the prayer of the same priest who is waiting for the time when, finally, the temple of Hagia Sophia will again become a Christian to go out and continue the service.

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